(l-r) Top: Tahanie Aboushi, Alvin Bragg, Eliza Orlins, Tali Farhadian Weinstein; Bottom: Liz Crotty, Dan Quart, Diana Florence, Lucy Lang
As part of the "Decision NYC with Ben Max" series of candidate interview s from Manhattan Neighborhood Network and Gotham Gazette, host Ben Max interviewed the eight Democratic candidates for Manhattan District Attorney competing in the 2021 primary that will take place in June. Find and watch all eight interviews below. Have feedback? Tweet @TweetBenMax and @GothamGazette, or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tahanie Aboushi (D)
Alvin Bragg (D)
Liz Crotty (D)
Tali Farhadian Weinstein (D)
Diana Florence (D)
Lucy Lang (D)
Eliza Orlins (D)
Dan Quart (D)