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John Edwards
Edwards supports federal mass transit initiatives like the Federal Transit Administration's Job Access and Reverse Commute program, that helps low income people who do not have cars get to jobs in the suburbs.
John Kerry
Kerry supports giving cities options on how they spend federal transportation money, including projects for light rail, streetcars, and redesigning streets and sidewalks.
Dennis Kucinich
Kucinich calls for federal financing of $50 billion in zero-interest loans every year for ten years. State and local governments could use the money to build roads and mass transit. States would have to repay the principal, but these bonds would pay zero interest. The plan would cut infrastructure improvement costs in half.
Al Sharpton
Sharpton advocates spending $50 billion a year over five years on highways, railways, and infrastructure.
George W. Bush
In 2002, President Bush guaranteed an increase in the Department of Transportation funding level with $6.7 billion, $486 million earmarked for expansion projects in mass transit. The Bush administration provided Amtrak with $521 million to continue operating.
In December 2003, the Department of Transportation announced $2.85 billion in grants to build a new PATH terminal, connect 12 subway lines in a new Fulton Street subway station, and replace the South Ferry subway terminal in lower Manhattan.
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• Urban Agenda: Mass Transit
• How New Yorkers Get to Work
• New Subway Projects and their Benefits
• Same Projects, No New Money
• Debating Transportation in Lower Manhattan
• Permanent PATH Station