Legislative Gazette - The Legislative Gazette is the weekly insider's newspaper for the state government, founded in 1978 and put together by student interns as part of the State University of New York. Its Web site is useful for keeping track of the news that might fly under the radar screen of the mainstream press.
NY Public Payroll Watch - A product of the Manhattan Institute, a think tank on public policy, this website provides news clips, links and updates to track labor issues that affect the cost of NY local and state governments.
NYS Department of Labor - Job openings are updated daily. Also information on youth careers, community service center, labor market, and unemployment insurance.
NYS Senate - Senate schedules, info on legislation and all the other workings of NYS gov't.
NYS Unified Court System - Info by judicial district. Great links to law libraries and legal research.
Open Book New York - This site, created by the New York state compotroller, is designed to help visitors find out how the state government spends taxpayer dollars. The site allows searches of current state contracts and of how much various state gencies spend on salaries, travel and other expenses.