September 2002
Federal Program Reimbursing For Air Filters Extended Until January - Sep 30, 2002
A program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that reimburses for air filters, purifiers, vacuums and air conditioners purchased by those affected by the World Trade Center attack was scheduled to end today but has been extended to the end of January. While the city's 3.2 million households are eligible to seek reimbursements for $1,600 in such expenses, just 1,744 air conditioners, 2,821 air purifiers, 1,680 vacuum cleaners and 2,128 air filters have been purchased through the program, the largest portion in Manhattan, officials said.
World Trade Center Cough Still Persistent Among Hundreds - Sep 30, 2002
Physicians in the city have made it clear: The malady now officially called World Trade Center cough is like nothing they've ever seen, and hundreds - perhaps thousands - of people are experiencing it. The ailment, as described recently by Dr. Kerry Kelly, the New York Fire Department's chief medical officer, is characterized by a reduced lung capacity and a hyper-reactivity of the airways to inhaled particles, bacteria and viruses. The cough is dry and nonproductive and can leave the sufferer gasping for air. The culprit appears to be not asbestos, but microscopic bits of glass.
Vast Detail on Towers' Collapse May Be Sealed - Sep 30, 2002
What is almost certainly the most sophisticated and complete understanding of exactly how and why the twin towers of the World Trade Center fell has been compiled as part of a largely secret proceeding in federal court in Lower Manhattan. Many fear, however, that the closely held information, which includes the analysis and the possible answers that families and engineers around the world have craved, may remain buried in sealed files, or even destroyed. Bound by confidentiality agreements with their clients, the experts cannot disclose their findings publicly as they wait for the case to play out.
(New York Times)
Architects Debate Whether Or Not To Rebuild At Forum - Sep 30, 2002
At the first Columbia University Seminar on Art and Society at the New-York Historical Society, Daniel Libeskind, the architect who designed the Jewish Museum in Berlin, Leon Wieseltier, the literary editor of The New Republic, and Sherwin B. Nuland, the author of "How We Die," argued about one question concerning the rebuilding at the World Trade Center site: Should there be something rather than nothing? Or nothing rather than something?
(New York Times)
Schumer And Pataki Argue Over Using Rebuilding Funds - Sep 30, 2002
A battle is shaping up between Senator Charles Schumer and Gov. George Pataki over hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds to rebuild Lower Manhattan in the wake of the attack on the World Trade Center. Schumer is seeking to block nearly $700 million in transportation projects being considered by several agencies under the control of Pataki. Schumer said he was concerned that devoting $700 million of that aid to projects unrelated to 9/11 would shortchange the projects directly related to the attack, mainly the construction of a transit center linking the subway and PATH lines around the trade center site.
(New York Times)
Fund for Terror Attack Victims Offers Awards in 14 Test Cases - Sep 30, 2002
Kenneth R. Feinberg, the special master in charge of the federal Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund, told 14 families last week that he had offered proposed awards ranging from $600,000 to $3.9 million after reviewing circumstances like extreme mental anguish and the intangible, hard-to-replace services provided by the family members who were killed.
(New York Times)
New York's Past Environmental Problems Can Teach Us About 9/11 - Sep 29, 2002
History's lessons on pollution are worth considering when thinking about the consequences of Sept. 11 for public health and government regulation. Most of the horrors of New York's environmental past, scientists say, like the grim air episodes in 1953, 1962 and 1966, were chronic and cumulative. Sept. 11 was sharp and sudden, but for most residents at least, relatively brief.
(New York Times)
Giuliani Says City Was Prepared for 9/11 - Sep 29, 2002
Rudolph Giuliani, in his first detailed account of his administration's actions on 9/11, said mistakes were made at the World Trade Center, but the city was as well-prepared as could reasonably be expected. Giuliani's remarks came in an interview timed to coincide with the release this week of his book, "Leadership," in which the Sept. 11 attack, and the aftermath, are a major topic.
(New York Times)
City Razing Unstable Building Near Ground Zero - Sep 29, 2002
Officials began demolishing a two-story building near the World Trade Center disaster site in lower Manhattan late Saturday evening after cracks were found in an exterior wall and the structure was deemed unsound. The building, at 89 Greenwich St., sits on the corner of Greenwich and Rector streets.
Poll Finds Many New Yorkers Would Not Work In Very Tall Buildings - Sep 29, 2002
A New York Times/CBS News Poll conducted in late August found that most New Yorkers would be unwilling to work high up in a tall structure at ground zero. In the poll, 53 percent said they would be unwilling to work high up in a new building at the site. Only 39 percent were willing. Seven percent had no opinion. Asked if the new buildings should be as tall as the twin towers, only 32 percent said yes. Fifty-nine percent said no.
(New York Times)
Creator of a Memorial Wall To Face Review By City Art Commission - Sep 29, 2002
A Brooklyn native spurred creation of a granite memorial wall in honor of the 115 Brooklyn-based firefighters who died on Sept. 11, but the project hit a bump when the man found he must get approval of the city Art Commission before the wall can be erected.
Rebuilding Officials Set For Tour of Memorials - Sep 29, 2002
As the planning for Ground Zero enters a new phase, rebuilding officials are turning greater attention to the memorial - starting with a five-day tour of permanent tributes around the country. Anita Contini, who is overseeing the memorial process for the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, and relatives of two Sept. 11 victims are about to begin a whirlwind tour around the nation, meeting with officials at Shanksville, Penn., the Pentagon, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Oklahoma City.
(New York Post)
Echoes of 1993 Attack For Fire Department - Sep 29, 2002
The problems that plagued the FDNY on Sept. 11 were a replay of those the department encountered in handling the 1993 Twin Towers bombing. A report issued last month on the Fire Department's problems on Sept. 11 cited unreliable radio networks, breakdowns in communication with the NYPD and failure to follow nationally recognized emergency protocols. But another report said the same woes plagued the FDNY when it responded to the Feb. 26, 1993, trade center bombing. The report, titled "Unprecedented," was published in the FDNY's official magazine. The 1993 report said, for example, that there was poor radio communication because "the steel construction of the buildings interfered with the radio signals."
(New York Post)
Downtown, a Debate Over Burying West Street - Sep 28, 2002
Local opposition has begun to build against the idea of covering West Street with a tree-lined promenade. Though few so far, a growing number of Battery Park City residents have begun to lobby against a West Street tunnel, saying they fear that a decade-long construction project will further isolate their neighborhood, rather than reconnect it to the rest of Lower Manhattan.
(New York Times)
9/11 Assistance Program Is No Safety Net - Sep 28, 2002
The financial assistance program in New York State that officials described as a kind of ultimate safety net for those who lost their jobs or had their property damaged because of the World Trade Center disaster has given grants to only a small fraction of the people who applied. Indeed, officials from the Individual and Family Grant program admit they have not even reviewed more than half of the nearly 73,000 requests for aid that they received in recent months.
(New York Times)
Transportation Officials Discuss Plans for Downtown Transit - Sep 28, 2002
A Metropolitan Transportation Authority official said Friday that the agency is considering plans for improvements to several downtown subway stations, including a "Rector connector" that would link two train lines.
The projects are under discussion as planners weigh options for large-scale changes to the intricate transportation network in lower Manhattan, which was heavily damaged in the attack on the World Trade Center.
(Associated Press)
Putting A Rush On World Trade Center Designs - Sep 28, 2002
Six teams of architects have until late November to come up with new designs for Ground Zero - and some of the builders say that's not enough time. "This is not the kind of project one would want to see rushed," said Jesse Reiser, an architect with Reiser & Umemoto in Manhattan, a member of one of the teams. "There should have been more time.""It can't be as complex as it should be in that time frame," said architect Charles Gwathmey, the designer of Morgan Stanley's Times Square headquarters and a member of one of the selected teams.
(New York Daily News)
Design Teams Are Selected for New Plans for 9/11 Site - Sep 27, 2002
Six teams of architects, artists and designers, including individuals and firms that have created some of the most renowned buildings and public works of the last quarter-century, were chosen yesterday by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation to create new designs for the World Trade Center site.
(New York Times)
Details on the Finalists for Trade Center Site - Sep 27, 2002
A list of the six teams selected by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, with excerpts from their application.
Killed on 9/11, Fire Chaplain Becomes Larger Than Life - Sep 27, 2002
The Rev. Mychal F. Judge, the sandal-shod fire chaplain with friends across New York, died at the World Trade Center 54 weeks ago, and has since become the center of a fervent following. But while some admirers of Judge are promoting him for canonization, his story is not as simple as the glorification of a good man who died bravely.
(New York Times)
Trade Center Leaseholder Asks for Delay in Insurance Case - Sep 27, 2002
The trial over the multibillion-dollar insurance claims at the World Trade Center is likely to be delayed until at least next spring, so that the complex's leaseholder, Larry A. Silverstein, can file an appeal of a recent ruling involving 3 of the 22 insurance companies involved in the case.
(New York Times)
Firefighter Committs Suicide in Front of 9/11 Shrine - Sep 27, 2002
A veteran firefighter assigned to one of 9/11's hardest-hit FDNY units shot and killed himself yesterday in front of a makeshift shrine he built to friends and colleagues lost in the terror attack, sources said.
(New York Post)
A Cyberspace Rebuilding Debate Moves to Battery Park - Sep 26, 2002
A group who took part in an online discussion about rebuilding lower Manhattan, organized by the Civic Alliance to Rebuild Downtown New York as part of its Listening to the City initiative, stayed in touch by e-mail after their two-week discussion ended in early August. They were known to one another only by online aliases and argument until they met in Battery Park City last month.
(New York Times)
Judge Rules for 3 Insurers on Coverage of Twin Towers - Sep 26, 2002
Larry Silverstein's $7 billion claim that the World Trade Center suffered two separate terrorist attacks was dealt a setback yesterday when a federal judge ruled that 3 of 20 insurers owed him insurance payments for only a single attack.
(New York Times)
Judge John S. Martin Jr.'s Latest Opinion in Swiss Re v. WTC. - Sep 26, 2002
Full text of the court document.
City Asks Feds to Allow Police to Monitor Political Groups - Sep 26, 2002
The city asked a federal court yesterday to boost the NYPD's power to keep tabs on political groups -- saying this would give police another tool to help prevent terror. But the New York City Civil Liberties Union vowed to fight the bid.
(New York Daily News)
Sunflower 9/11 Tribute - Sep 26, 2002
Artist Xavier Roux chose sunflowers as his medium for a tribute to the World Trade Center because they grow fast, and to towering heights. In early summer, Roux planted 4,000 of them, from ground zero to Chelsea, in the shape of the twin towers. The flowers outline two huge rectangles roughly four times the size of the original towers. Only a few sunflowers survived -- about 150, he estimates.
(New York Times)
The Technology Behind the Winter Garden Rebuild - Sep 26, 2002
During the yearlong, $50 million reconstruction of the Winter Garden dome, all of its audio and lighting circuits have been reinvented. Thousands of daily visitors to the Winter Garden will be unaware of the cutting-edge semiconductors, servers, digital links and custom network engineering behind the atrium's new $1.8 million digital sound and lighting system.
(New York Times)
Little Health Risk to Residents from 9/11, Panel Says - Sep 25, 2002
Most downtown residents are at minimal risk for health problems from World Trade Center contamination, a panel of experts said last week. Scientists told about 100 participants at a forum Thursday at the Borough of Manhattan Community College that workers at ground zero were the most likely to suffer consequences from the toxic particles that were spewed into the air after the disaster.
(Downtown Express)
Few of Those Eligible Register for Cleanup Help Near 9/11 Site - Sep 25, 2002
With just a week left to sign up, only about a quarter of the New York City residents eligible to have their apartments tested and cleaned to remove leftover World Trade Center dust have registered, federal environmental officials said today. Many people still do not know that the offer even exists.
(New York Times)
Downtowners Request More Time For Cleanup - Sep 25, 2002
People worried that their lower Manhattan homes are contaminated by dust from the destruction of the twin towers pleaded with the feds yesterday for more time to apply for a cleanup program. Federal Environmental Protection Agency chief Christie Whitman told Sen. Hillary Clinton she may be willing to push back the Oct. 3 deadline -- it has already been extended once -- but said the city has not made a formal request.
(New York Daily News)
EPA: Toxins Near WTC Low, But Emissions Persist - Sep 25, 2002
The amounts of toxins in cleaned apartments and offices near the World Trade Center site are low and well within public health guidelines, according to a study released yesterday by the American Lung Association of New York City. But the study confirmed the fears of local residents that the concentration of diesel emissions from construction trucks and backup generators in lower Manhattan is "quite high.
Goodyear: I Turned My Cab Driver in to the FBI - Sep 25, 2002
Last July, Sarah Goodyear argued politics with a livery driver who said a friend heard something about Osama, something about the city being in danger. On September 13, 2001, she reported him to the FBI. Now, a year later, she finds out how he feels about it.
(Village Voice)
Queens Art Center Removes Controversial 9/11 Art - Sep 25, 2002
A Queens art center has removed a controversial window display that depicted people falling from the World Trade Center. Eleven white silhouettes had been placed on the three floors of the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning on Sept. 10 - and met with immediate criticism.
(New York Daily News)
Federal Government Taxing WTC Grants - Sep 25, 2002
Cash-strapped businesses trying to hang on in lower Manhattan expect to take another financial hit - this time from the IRS. Every penny of the $772 million in federal grants being given to struggling small businesses near Ground Zero is taxable.
(New York Daily News)
Examiner Proposes DNA Screen to Separate 9/11 Hijackers Remains from Memorial - Sep 25, 2002
The Medical Examiner's Office wants to extract DNA samples from the possessions of the Sept. 11 hijackers - so the remains of the terrorists can be identified and separated from their victims. Medical Examiner Charles Hirsch asked the FBI to provide the terrorists' belongings at the request of victims' relatives, who want the killers' remains removed before unidentified and unclaimed remains are interred in a future memorial at Ground Zero.
(New York Post)
9/11 Scholarship Seeks Applicants - Sep 25, 2002
A graduate memorial scholarship at the University of Glasgow -- open to the children of those who perished on September 11 -- has yet to find an applicant. Most of the 3,025 people who died in the attacks were too young, clustered largely between the ages of 30 and 40, to have children old enough for such an advanced degree.
(New York Times)
Office Space Should Be Rebuilt Off The Footprints, Silverstein Says - Sep 24, 2002
Larry Silverstein, the real-estate developer who holds the lease to develop on the World Trade Center site, wrote in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece yesterday that all the commercial space destroyed in the September 11 attacks must be rebuilt over the next decade for the "good of the city and the region." "If we do not replace the lost space," wrote Silverstein, "lower Manhattan never will regain the vibrancy it had as the world's financial center."
(Wall Street Journal)
Ideas To Be Explored For Housing and Retail Revitalization Downtown - Sep 24, 2002
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation and the city Department of Planning are teaming up to study ways to build more housing in lower Manhattan and make Fulton St. a prime retail and entertainment center, officials said yesterday. The housing study will examine the market south of Houston St. Officials will emphasize the need to build more housing along the Fulton St. and John St. corridors, as well as south of Liberty St. The Fulton St. study will look at the shops, arts and entertainment offerings currently along the strip and offer ways to lure more tenants to the street, which will be extended through the disaster site.
Big-Name Lawyers To Assist Federal Victims Compensation Fund - Sep 24, 2002
Kenneth R. Feinberg, the special master in charge of administering the federal September 11 Victims Compensation Fund, has invited 41 retired judges, lawyers and professors to join a new legal system that will mediate objections raised by the families and help determine how much each victim's family should receive. Among those assisting are William H. Webster, the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, the former attorney general, and Arthur R. Miller, the Harvard law professor.
(New York Times)
Construction Could Begin Soon On Battery Park City Ferry Terminal - Sep 24, 2002
Construction on a new, state-of-the-art ferry terminal at Battery Park City is expected to begin by the end of the year, the Port Authority announced yesterday. The terminal, scheduled to open in June 2004, will replace a temporary dock and two slips that currently handle 13,500 people traveling between lower Manhattan and Hoboken and Jersey City each day.
(New York Post)
Housing Could Boom Downtown, Report Says - Sep 24, 2002
Lower Manhattan could gain up to 8,000 new apartment units over the next 10 years, substantially increasing the size of its residential neighborhoods, according to a new development study by the independent Citizens Housing and Planning Council. Focusing on the area below Chambers Street, the report says 4,000 to 8,000 new apartments could be added through conversion of older office buildings and new construction - a substantial increase over the 12,500 units there now.
(New York Post)
Development Corporation Faces Likely Changes - Sep 23, 2002
Sources told The Post that the city-state Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, in charge of rebuilding the World Trade Center site, will face major changes after the election - whether Gov. George Pataki or Carl McCall win the governors race.
(New York Post)
Marble Tributes to 9/11 Have No Permanent Home - Sep 22, 2002
Highland, New Jersey's Memoria Project, as it is called, has become a powerful evocation of the 9/11 tragedy. It draws local families in mourning and tourists from far away who have heard about the mammoth white columns with their haunting figures of a man and a woman half-encased in stone. But while it has become an instant icon here, the Memoria Project is essentially homeless.
(New York Times)
N.Y.U., Fearful of Publicity, Cancels Class on Ground Zero - Sep 22, 2002
New York University course that was to have focused on the intersection of politics, finance, design and culture in the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan has been canceled because of concerns about the potential political fallout from the course.
(New York Times)
Ground Zero Businesses Miss 9/11 Loans - Sep 22, 2002
Across the country, thousands of companies that offer pricey pleasures to the affluent have been larded with millions in taxpayer-subsidized loans because of 9/11-related economic woes. Unfortunately, the battered businesses in and around Ground Zero did not fare quite as well, according to a Daily News analysis.
(New York Daily News)
9/11 Contractors Near Agreement on Insurance - Sep 21, 2002
The construction companies that excavated the debris from ground zero were near agreement with the city yesterday on a deal to use federal emergency money to buy $1 billion in insurance, which the companies would use to defend themselves against any lawsuits from residents, property owners and workers connected with the cleanup.
(New York Times)
White House, in Shift, Backs Inquiry on 9/11 - Sep 21, 2002
The White House gave in today to growing Congressional demands for an independent investigation of last year's terrorist attacks, setting the stage for a comprehensive inquiry into the failures and vulnerabilities that made the hijackings possible.
(New York Times)
WTC Architect Hire Sparks Controversy - Sep 20, 2002
The Port Authority announced yesterday that it had hired another architecture firm to help redevelop the World Trade Center, sparking confusion among some observers as to which firm will lead the rebuilding effort. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said it has hired Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn Architects to do in-house transportation planning and coordination of the various stages of development.
PATH Station At Trade Center Making Progress - Sep 20, 2002
The temporary PATH station at the World Trade Center site will be completely enclosed by November of this year, with a scheduled completion date of December 2003, Port Authority chief engineer Frank Lombardi told the agency's commissioners at yesterday's board meeting.
Experts Pan Port Authority's Transit Hub Plans - Sep 20, 2002
Architects and urban planners yesterday panned the Port Authority's design ideas for a Ground Zero transit hub, saying they are uninspiring.
(New York Post)
9/11 Park to be Built Near Medical Examiner's Office - Sep 20, 2002
City officials are looking at converting the parking lot behind the medical examiner's office - where the remains of hundreds of 9/11's unidentified victims are kept - into a park.
(New York Post)
Security Cited in Proposals on Lawsuits From Sept. 11 - Sep 20, 2002
Transportation safety officials are proposing tight new procedures to limit the possibility that sensitive airport security information will become public, and exploited by terrorists, in lawsuits stemming from the Sept. 11 attacks.
(New York Times)
Fire Unions Call for Inquiry on Radio Failures - Sep 20, 2002
The leaders of New York City's fire unions yesterday called for an independent investigation into the widespread communication problems that plagued firefighters during the World Trade Center disaster, saying that they had lost confidence in the city's review.
(New York Times)
9/11 Brought Hardship for Artists - Sep 19, 2002
A recent survey by a downtown arts group found that over 80 percent of New York City artists are making less from their work after 9/11, and that 10 percent are facing eviction.
(Downtown Express)
Top Architects Competing for WTC Designs - Sep 19, 2002
A long list of celebrated architects - including Richard Meier of New York, Santiago Calatrava of Spain and Daniel Libeskind of Germany - are competing for the prestigious job of rethinking the World Trade Center site.
(New York Daily News)
After Complaints, Rockefeller Center Drapes Sept. 11 Statue - Sep 19, 2002
A bronze statue in Rockefeller Center, meant to commemorate those who jumped or fell to their deaths from the World Trade Center, was abruptly draped in cloth and surrounded by a curtain wall yesterday. The statue, Eric Fischl's "Tumbling Woman," depicts a naked woman with her arms and legs flailing above her head, as if in a backward somersault. It had drawn some complaints since it went on view in the complex's lower concourse about a week ago.
(Associated Press)
Council Wants Liberty Bonds to Build More Homes for Poor - Sep 19, 2002
More than half of any new apartments built with the special financing created by Congress in response to the terrorist attack on Sept. 11 should be offered at below-market rents for low- and moderate-income families, City Council leaders said yesterday.
(New York Times)
Transit Links Called Vital to a Revival of Downtown - Sep 19, 2002
The rebuilding of Lower Manhattan requires making direct transit links to Kennedy and Newark airports, burying West Street and erecting a major transportation center, a group of business and real estate officials say in a paper that is to be released today.
(New York Times)
Sept. 11 Pigeon Tribute Goes Awry - Sep 19, 2002
Jersey City officials released 80 white pigeons last week during a Sept. 11 anniversary ceremony, but instead of flying skyward, some of the confused pigeons clipped people at the event - and at least one plunged into the Hudson River. Since the memorial service, the pigeons have been seen slamming into the windows of nearby office towers. The reason: Jersey City officials apparently wanted to save a few hundred bucks and bought their birds from a Newark poultry shop instead of getting pricier homing pigeons - which are trained to fly back to their handlers.
(New York Daily News)
No Quick Fix for Radios, New York Fire Dept. Says - Sep 18, 2002
New York City's fire commissioner said it could take years before all the equipment needed for reliable communications inside the city's tallest buildings is put in place. Because the Fire Department's response to the attack on the World Trade Center was plagued with communications problems, the commissioner, Nicholas Scoppetta, said that he had made improved communications one of his most urgent priorities since he took office in January. But new radios by themselves would not solve the problems.
(New York Times)
300 Firms Competing to Help Remake Downtown - Sep 18, 2002
More than 300 architecture and planning firms, including those of the notable architects Philip Johnson and Robert A. M. Stern, have answered the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation's call for more innovative concepts for the World Trade Center site, rebuilding officials said yesterday.
(New York Times)
Plans for Transit Hub - Sep 18, 2002
Preliminary computer images of a plan for a dramatic transit hub at Ground Zero show a wavy atrium roof and views looking out onto a future trade-center memorial and the Winter Garden.
(New York Post)
Study Says Lower Manhattan Urgently Needs to Draw More Firms - Sep 18, 2002
Officials in charge of rebuilding must draw as many as four major corporations to lower Manhattan - and stop other companies from fleeing - if the city is to recover from the economic losses related to the Sept. 11 terror attacks, according to a new report.
(New York Post)
House Backs Federal Panel to Study Building Disasters - Sep 18, 2002
The House gave final Congressional approval to a bill that would create a federal panel to investigate building disasters.
(New York Times)
WTC Panel to Tour Memorials - Sep 18, 2002
Redevelopment officials will visit more than a dozen memorials around the world before selecting the design for a permanent tribute to the 2,801 victims of the World Trade Center attacks, officials said yesterday.
(New York Daily News)
Winter Garden Reopens - Sep 18, 2002
The doors of the Winter Garden opened to the public on Tuesday for the first time in 371 days. For many, it was like coming home.
(New York Times)
Stock Exchange Commemorates Reopening - Sep 18, 2002
With bowed heads and silent prayers, the stock exchange came to a standstill this morning to mark the anniversary of its reopening after last yearÕs terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.
A Minister's Path to Ground Zero - Sep 18, 2002
For the Rev. Bill Minson, ground zero is his calling. For a year, Mr. Minson, 52, a stocky minister who wears a clerical collar but who never went to a seminary and who was ordained in an independent church set up to provide spiritual direction, including astrology and numerology readings, has haunted the site.
(New York Times)
1 and 9 Back in Service - Sep 16, 2002
Lower Manhattan notches a major milestone on the long journey back to normalcy today when workday commuters return to the fully restored 1 and 9 subway lines as well as a newly reopened Cortlandt Street station on the N and R.
Shrinking Financial District Will Affect Plans For Lower Manhattan - Sep 16, 2002
One year after the attack on the World Trade Center, New York City's financial district is still shrinking, raising serious questions about plans for rebuilding Lower Manhattan. In decades past, the district has bounced back from recessions and catastrophic fires. But current trends militate against future growth in financial services downtown, or even in New York City, according to a range of people who have knowledge of the district.
(New York Times)
Plans to Raze Fulton St. Block for Transit Hub - Sep 16, 2002
Transit officials want to demolish a block of buildings on lower Broadway and replace them with a glass-enclosed, atrium-style terminal, as part of the project to reconfigure the Fulton Street subway station. Planners for the Metropolitan Transit Authority want to use the power of eminent domain to condemn and demolish all five buildings on the east side of Broadway between Fulton and John streets, officials said.
(New York Post)
Concerns With City Response to 9/11 - Sep 16, 2002
A year after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the city has not yet offered legislation to address building code and emergency response issues, and most of the proposals to increase cooperation among emergency agencies remain on the drawing board.
After Buffalo Arrests, Arab Americans Prepare for Backlash - Sep 16, 2002
Ever since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Arab-Americans and Muslims have complained of harassment and discrimination, from a backlash immediately after the attacks to a more recent official crackdown on visas and firings. According to one recent poll conducted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, 57 percent of 945 American Muslims surveyed said they've experienced bias or discrimination since Sept. 11, while 87 percent said they knew a Muslim who had.
Ground Zero Panels Open for Public Viewing - Sep 16, 2002
For the first time since their unveiling for the victims' families last week, six wooden panels inscribed with the names of all 2,801 people killed at Ground Zero were open for public viewing at the edge of the World Trade Center site yesterday.
9/11 Families Raise Funds for Others - Sep 16, 2002
The Coalition of 9/11 Families has started a scholarship program for needy youngsters around the country who are victims of crime or future terrorism. It will sponsor a star-studded figure skating event at Madison Square Garden on Friday evening to kick off the fund-raising effort.
(New York Daily News)
Downtown Real Estate Market Has More than Recovered - Sep 15, 2002
The New York City real estate market has come a long way since its nadir last year, after the Sept. 11 attacks devastated the entire downtown area. Prices on residential properties in desirable Manhattan neighborhoods like Tribeca, north of the World Trade Center site, have nearly erased their dramatic Sept. 11-related losses and are up 10 to 20 percent this year, according to local realtors and appraisers.
(New York Times)
F.B.I. Makes Sixth Arrest in Buffalo Inquiry - Sep 15, 2002
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has arrested a sixth man of Yemeni descent, family and friends said in Buffalo, NY tonight, in addition to the five young American citizens charged Saturday with providing "material support" for Qaeda terrorists.
(New York Times)
Port Authority Still Planning to Build New West Village PATH Exitx - Sep 15, 2002
Reversing an earlier stance on building new PATH-train exits in the West Village, the Port Authority still hopes to get $29 million in federal 9/11 relief funds to pay for the project, The Post has learned.
(New York Post)
False Terror Alert - Sep 15, 2002
Passersby alerted the police and caused authorities to rope off a section of Battery Park, delay some 9/11 memorial events and bring the 4, 5 and 6 trains to a halt after seeing a Sikh Transit Authority worker climbing out of a subway maintenance hatch yesterday. The worker was just doing his job.
(New York Post)
Connecticut Diner Raises WTC Funds - Sep 15, 2002
Like many others, Joe Ravalese and Jim Chamberland wanted to do something for the families of New York City's uniformed officers who perished Sept. 11. At their 110-seat Country Diner in Enfield, Conn., 135 miles from New York, they have shown that no gesture - from $9.11 pasta dinners to a $9.11 memorial pin - is too small. Ravalese and Chamberland ended up raking in $10,000 for their NYC 9/11 Fund.
(New York Daily News)
U.S. Charges Five Men in Buffalo With Awaiting an Order for Terror Strike - Sep 14, 2002
Five Arab-American men charged today with operating an active cell of Al Qaeda in western New York had received intensive weapons training in Afghanistan in the summer of 2001 and been sent back to the United States to await the order for an attack, federal law enforcement officials said today
(New York Times)
Architect and Former Politician Join Group Selecting Planning Firms For Rebuilding Downtown - Sep 13, 2002
A former congressman and the head of the Harvard Department of Architecture have been tapped to help redevelopment officials choose five new planning teams for Ground Zero. Toshiko Mori, a Manhattan architect and Harvard scholar, and Richard Swett, an architect who served two terms as a congressman from New Hampshire and was ambassador to Denmark, will be part of a seven-member review committee to begin work next week.
(New York Post)
First Lady Laura Bush Addresses Bronx High School - Sep 13, 2002
The World Trade Center attack was one of the "days of infamy" that seem to mark every generation, like the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the assassination of President John Kennedy, First Lady Laura Bush told Bronx high schoolers yesterday. Bush told girls at St. Thomas Aquinas High School she was sitting in class Nov. 22, 1963, when she heard the country's youngest President had been murdered. "I honestly didn't think that the First Lady of the United States would come to the Bronx," said Crump, a sophomore. "But she came and she was so cool, so normal. It didn't even feel like she was the President's wife."
(New York Daily News)
Politicians Discuss Moving Primary Date Away From September 11 - Sep 13, 2002
The intricacy of campaigning on the cusp of Sept. 11 has the state's top Democrats and Republicans giving new consideration to an old notion: moving New York's primary elections from September to the spring. Sheldon Silver, the speaker of the Assembly, said he would propose legislation to change the primary to June, and Joseph L. Bruno, the majority leader of the Senate, said he would study the idea.\
(New York Times)
Rebuild on a Human Scale, Says Historian - Sep 12, 2002
A new dynamic is taking hold in lower Manhattan. Good-government groups that have long called for the diversification of the downtown economy, as well as the development of affordable housing and a more diverse retail environment for the people who live there, find that their voices are being heardÑand heeded.
(New York Observer)
9/11/02: A Day of Tributes, Tears, and the Litany of the Lost - Sep 12, 2002
With moments of silence and recitations of familiar speeches, with the tolling of bells and the lighting of candles, with peaceful music and vows of military retribution, the United States observed the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, joined by countries around the world that honored the date in their own, distant ways.
(New York Times)
City Streets Become Places to Remember - Sep 12, 2002
The streets surrounding the World Trade Center site became places of remembrance yesterday, as people from around the country descended upon lower Manhattan to remember lost friends and pay their respects.
Family Members Collect Mementos at Ground Zero - Sep 12, 2002
Hundreds of family members brought away small mementos of Ground Zero yesterday, the first time many of them had been able to visit and touch the hallowed earth of the World Trade Center site.
(New York Post)
Survivor Eager to Remove Name From List - Sep 12, 2002
Nickola Lampley said she was stunned to see her name flashed on television during the roll call of 2,801 dead and missing read at yesterday's World Trade Center remembrance.
(New York Post)
Lamenting Death, and Vulnerability - Sep 12, 2002
America mourned yesterday, not only for those lost a year ago but for a loss of national certainty, too. From Times Square to the little town of West Branch, Iowa, the people of the most powerful nation on earth paused to salve their still raw wounds and come to terms with a vulnerability they had not felt before a year ago.
(New York Times)
For the Families, a Long Year's Journey Into Grief, and Back Again - Sep 12, 2002
For Jan Hoffman, a reporter who, starting in late September and concluding this week, interviewed hundreds of friends and relatives of 9/11 victims for Portraits of Grief, the New York Times' series of biographical sketches of the victims, broad shifts in the grieving seemed to emerge.
(New York Times)
In New York on 9/11/02, a Void in the Air - Sep 12, 2002
A year later, New Yorkers were back on their trains, and back to the blank faces, the ones veiled by newspapers, the chador of the subways. The headlines called out the day, its commemorations, the public solemnities. But then and now, hardly anyone in New York is navigated by official declarations.
(New York Times)
New York Moments on 9/11/02 - Sep 12, 2002
Stories of how New Yorkers spent the anniversary, from places like a firehouse in Harlem, Ground Zero, Newark airport.
(New York Times)
Echoes of 9/11 at Film Festival - Sep 12, 2002
Day six of this year's Toronto International Film Festival was set aside to observe the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States. Two films that seem to encompass the full range of emotion toward those attacks and their lingering aftermath were given gala screenings by the festival.
Theatrical Tributes on Anniversary - Sep 12, 2002
On Sept. 13, 2001, Broadway united in a show of resilience by taking to the stage in the aftermath of catastrophe. Yesterday, the theatrical community found many ways to mark the anniversary. Candles were lit at 6:30 in the evening during a vigil in Duffy Square. Marquees all around were dimmed 90 minutes later.
(New York Daily News)
Wall Street Pauses in Remembrance - Sep 12, 2002
Michael Pascuma, the oldest living active floor broker in the nation, who lost his son and namesake on Sept. 11, rang the American Stock Exchange opening bell yesterday.
(New York Post)
Victims' Families Make Trip to Ground Zero - Sep 12, 2002
For some families of Sept. 11 victims, the one-year anniversary was a milestone that had to be stepped over, not a moment to be embraced.
(New York Daily News)
On The Anniversary, On Top of the Empire State Building - Sep 12, 2002
The Empire State Building became the tallest in town a year ago. The observation deck was closed that day. For a few dozen visitors this morning, it feels respectful, patriotic, even a bit brave.
(New York Times)
Quiet Day in Belle Harbor - Sep 12, 2002
In Belle Harbor, a small-town slice of New York City that is miles -- and worlds -- apart from ground zero, businesses in the neighborhood are shuttered, and throughout the windy streets the many American flags on the lawns and porches fly at half-staff.
(New York Times)
The World Remembers Sept. 11 Attacks - Sep 11, 2002
From an isolated research facility at the South Pole to the trading floor of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the world on Wednesday remembered the terrorist attacks one year ago that, along with killing thousands of Americans, left hundreds of foreigners dead. As New York slept, the day began on the other side of the globe with a tree-planting ceremony in New Zealand.
(Associated Press)
September 11 and Mental Health: The Profession Tests Its Limits - Sep 11, 2002
In the midst of the crisis following the September 11 attacks, the city's abundance of mental health professionals turned out to be a mixed blessing. There was no shortage of help, but few practitioners were trained in disaster response. City officials and agencies like the Red Cross had little control over therapists who wandered into firehouses, made their way to ground zero or stopped people on the street to offer counseling. Also, for the first few days no mechanism was in place to allow researchers to collect data that could teach crucial lessons about why some people are resilient while others are not, and which treatments are effective for whom.
(New York Times)
Many Aspects of the Disaster Remain Unexamined - Sep 11, 2002
One year later, the public knows less about the circumstances of 2,801 deaths at the foot of Manhattan in broad daylight than people in 1912 knew within weeks about the Titanic, which sank in the middle of an ocean in the dead of night.
(New York Times)
Families of Victims Develop Political Clout and Savvy - Sep 11, 2002
Because their loved ones were slain in a televised act of war, the private politics of the families of the World Trade Center have become our local and national politics, and their pain a part of our public debate. One year later, family members are fiercer, savvier, and better organized than they ever were before and show absolutely no hint of going away.
(New York Magazine)
New York Magazine: 9/11/02 One Year Later - Sep 11, 2002
New York Magazine runs profiles of four widows, plans for a rebuilt site by 7 architects, a look at why former Mayor Rudy Giuliani "can't let go,' and a look at the statistics of September 11.
(New York Magazine)
Dozens of Suits Filed Against Port Authority for Attacks - Sep 11, 2002
About 1,000 families and victims of the Sept. 11 attacks beat a deadline yesterday to sue the Port Authority for hundreds of millions of dollars, blaming the owner of the World Trade Center for dangerous design faults and safety failures.
(New York Post)
Marchers Begin Profound Anniversary - Sep 11, 2002
Bagpipers and drummers marched through an early morning mist from each of the boroughs toward Ground Zero, beginning the cityÕs commemoration of its darkest day.
Some Relatives To Avoid Ground Zero - Sep 11, 2002
Whether itÕs because the site brings on unbearable pain, or because they are simply too weary from a full year of scripted mass memorials, several relatives of cops, firefighters or World Trade Center workers made the difficult decision to skip the main event.
One Year Later: 25 New Yorkers On The Attack's Impact - Sep 11, 2002
Newsday's online coverage today includes a multimedia slideshow of 25 New Yorkers, each describing how the terrorist attacks one year ago have affected their lives.
New York Post: 9/11 One Year Later - Sep 11, 2002
The New York Post's anniversary coverage includes a profile of children whose parents died in the attacks a year ago today, and a sampling from the paper's morning September 11, 2001 edition, with its coverage of the mayoral primary race and fashion week.
(New York Post)
One Year Later, Still New York, in Pain and Glory - Sep 11, 2002
One year after it faced its own mortality, New York, in its daily curiosities and unexpungeable flavor, is still New York. For some time, no one knew if that could happen. New York has not disconnected from itself and devolved into a trembling mass of paralysis. It has not been unmade but remade. Its sense of control and invulnerability is gone, but New York has become a city of regeneration.
(New York Times)
Poll: For Many New Yorkers, Life Did Not Change on 9/11/01 - Sep 11, 2002
One year after the attack on the World Trade Center, nearly half of all New York City residents say the event has not changed their lives. In a New York Times/CBS News poll, conducted by telephone from Aug. 25 to 29, 48 percent of the people questioned said their lives had not changed as a result of Sept. 11.
(New York Times)
Many Commemorations of Attack Anniversary Going Ahead - Sep 11, 2002
Even as new intelligence information and threats of terrorism reminiscent of ones detected a year earlier prompted the Bush administration yesterday to put the country on high alert, Americans are going ahead with plans for memorial services, bagpipe processions, peace vigils, prayer services, tree plantings and commemorations of every imaginable sort to mark the anniversary of 9/11.
(New York Times)
New York Times: A Nation Challenged 9/11/02 - Sep 11, 2002
The New York Times' special section for September 11, 2002 has an article about New York, still the same in all its "pain and glory," an interview with Mayor Bloomberg, a story about how last year's attacks affected the Arab-American community in Michigan, and a series of 11 individual profiles of people like Lauren Manning, who was injured in the World Trade Center attacks and spent three months in a coma, and Jan Demczur, who used a squeegee to escape from an elevator in the North Tower.
(New York Times)
Security Increased Throughout City For Anniversary - Sep 11, 2002
Extra cops and National Guard troops fanned out across the city and state yesterday to allay fears of a copycat attack spoiling today's somber ceremonies. Governor George Pataki and Mayor Michael Bloomberg insisted that no specific terrorist threats were being aimed at New York, and that the city has been on high alert since last Sept. 11. Pataki deployed extra National Guard troops and State Police at Canadian border crossings, airports, watersheds, state health laboratories, the Capitol in Albany and bridges and tunnels leading into the city. Trucks will be subject to checks at bridges and tunnels and other vehicles will be randomly selected for inspections. The subway system will also get extra protection.
(New York Daily News)
Students To Discuss Feelings, Fears on Anniversary - Sep 11, 2002
In high school classrooms across the city today, students will discuss how the world and their lives have changed since the attacks on the World Trade Center. While initially the Board of Education recommended only a moment of silence at 8:46 AM, the time the first plane struck the World Trade Center, officials later supplied teachers with lesson plans and guides from mental health experts.
(New York Daily News)
More Than Half of Victims Identified - Sep 11, 2002
The medical examiner's office passed the halfway mark in identifying the World Trade Center dead yesterday, as the number of victims verified by remains reached 1,401. The bleak but encouraging milestone came a day before the one-year anniversary of the disaster that killed 2,801 and generated the largest and most prolonged forensics effort in U.S. history.
(New York Daily News)
New Yorkers Cope With The Aftermath - Sep 10, 2002
Australian paper the Sydney Morning Herald interviewed seven different people about their reactions and responses to September 11: two victims' relatives; a woman photographed during the attacks who is now unemployed; a firefighter; a survivor of the attacks; an ambulance driver; and a window cleaner who was trapped in an elevator during the attacks.
(Sydney Morning Herald)
Memorials Give Jerseyans Places to Grieve - Sep 10, 2002
Around New Jersey, 9/11 remembrances and memorials -- some as simple as a few plantings or a plaque, others elaborate works commissioned from renowned artists -- have been established, are being built or are in the planning stages. May sites were chosen because they will be natural gathering places for people. Other sites have evolved more organically, almost choosing themselves, like the site in Essex County, where a memorial is being built at Eagle Rock Preserve in West Orange.
(Star Ledger)
Greenwich Volunteers Made a Difference at Ground Zero - Sep 10, 2002
While hundreds of Greenwich residents gave their money, time and sympathy in response to the terrorist attacks, a number assisted in the rescue, recovery and cleanup efforts. Some volunteered independently while others worked through local charities and religious organizations. For a few, relief work was part of their job.
(Greenwich Time)
FBI Declares Alert On 9/11 Anniversary - Sep 10, 2002
The FBI has issued a new alert that the city could be targeted by terrorists on the anniversary of Sept. 11.The warning came as the NYPD mobilized thousands of cops to keep the city safe during during ceremonies at Ground Zero and in every borough.\
(New York Daily News)
City Seeks Names of Students Struggling After 9/11 - Sep 10, 2002
Six months after Sept. 11, an anonymous survey of more than 8,000 New York City schoolchildren found that one in 10 was experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder and 26 percent had at least one of seven other mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Now, city officials want to know who these children are.
Maspeth Fire Squad Rebuilds - Sep 10, 2002
Newsday profiles Maspeth's Hazardous Materials Company No. 1 and Squad 288, who lost 19 men on September 11.
City Defends 9/11 Speech Plans - Sep 10, 2002
As officials rushed to make final preparations for tomorrow's Sept. 11 observances, Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday defended the decision not to include any original speeches in the day's program, suggesting a desire not to upstage President George W. Bush's national address.
The New Yorker: One Year Later - Sep 10, 2002
The New Yorker's anniversary coverage includes a history of the World Trade Center site, reflective talk of the town pieces by three widows, and three poems that respond in different ways to September 11 2001.
(New Yorker)
Lung Ailments May Force 500 Firefighters Off Job - Sep 10, 2002
As many as 500 New York City firefighters may have to retire early as a result of breathing problems caused by smoke and fumes at the World Trade Center.
(New York Times)
Cantor Fitzgerald Seeks to Relocate to Union Square - Sep 10, 2002
Cantor Fitzgerald, the bond broker that lost 658 employees on Sept. 11, is negotiating to build a $100 million headquarters in Union Square.
(New York Times)
Tower at Financial Center Changes Hands for a Song - Sep 10, 2002
A major downtown skyscraper is changing hands for a surprisingly low price, in what may be the latest indication of how steeply property values have dropped in Lower Manhattan in the last year.
(New York Times)
Liberty Bonds to Finance New Brooklyn Offices - Sep 10, 2002
A new Brooklyn office tower to be built by Forest City Ratner Companies and occupied by the Bank of New York will be the first commercial construction project to be financed by Liberty Bonds, which were approved by Congress in response to the Sept. 11 attacks, city and state officials said yesterday.
(New York Times)
Police Remember Fallen Officers in Quiet Ceremony - Sep 10, 2002
Relatives of the 23 officers killed in the attack on the World Trade Center, and those of two others who died in the line of duty in 2000, gathered yesterday for an unveiling of the 25 names etched on a memorial wall two blocks from ground zero.
(New York Times)
Cantor Fitzgerald: From Devastation to Determination - Sep 10, 2002
A year after 658 employees died in the attacks, Cantor Fitzgerald is emphatically still here Ñ on track to earn just under $100 million in the year that began last Oct. 1, a dominant player in the bond markets once again, with solid backing from its banks, a tenacious grip on its valuable software patents and new offices in Midtown Manhattan. It is still here Ñ but it is not the Cantor it was a year ago.
(New York Times)
For Psychologist, Year of Grief Brings New Understanding - Sep 10, 2002
"The past year has forced me to cross the border from provider to patient, and it taught me how much I did not know," writes psychologist Robert Klitzman, whose sister died in the World Trade Center attacks.
(New York Times)
Post-9/11 Coping, From Preparedness to Fatalism - Sep 10, 2002
Some New Yorkers are preparing for another terrorist attack by loading up on safety devices; others are getting their affairs in order. Parents and single people alike are weighing the scary possibilities and quietly pursuing a strategy of personal preparedness.
(New York Times)
Park Slope Elite Fire Dept. Unit Works to Rebuild and Recover - Sep 10, 2002
One year after losing 12 men in the Sept. 11 terror attack, the elite Squad 1's firehouse in Park Slope, Brooklyn, bears little physical resemblance to the devastated place that quickly became a depository for grief and memorial gifts from all over the world. Talk to anyone affiliated with the squad, and you sense that the firefighters have done their best to forge ahead emotionally, too. But it is impossible to block those spontaneous, bittersweet moments.
(New York Times)
The Changing Face of Ground Zero - Sep 10, 2002
Marc Santora captures the scene at Liberty Street near Ground Zero yesterday.
(New York Times)
Firefighter Statue Gets Permanent Home - Sep 10, 2002
The 6-foot-tall bronze statue of a kneeling firefighter, which had sat on a truck bed in the street outside the Milford Plaza Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, has found a permanent home just a few feet away. It has been moved from Eighth Avenue near 44th Street to the sidewalk as a permanent memorial to firefighters and members of law enforcement agencies who died on Sept. 11.
(New York Times)
New York Post: 9/11 One Year Later - Sep 10, 2002
The Post adds to its special anniversary coverage with an article about babies who were born on September 11 2001, and another on 9/11 births that kept fathers at the hospital instead of at the World Trade Center. Also, a story describing the scene at Ground Zero yesterday.
(New York Post)
One Year Later, Canadian Ties With U.S. A Fine Balance - Sep 9, 2002
For Canadians now reliving the shock and loss of last September there is the persistent reminder that while this country shares a continent with the U.S., it often thinks like the rest of the world.
(Toronto Star)
A Year After 9/11, Worries About Toxic Dust - Sep 9, 2002
As schools reopen and the city continues testing and cleaning thousands of apartments for lingering dust, residents are voicing unsettling health concerns about the fallout from the cityÕs worst environmental disaster.
The Economist: 9/11 One Year On - Sep 9, 2002
The Economist's section commemorating the anniversary of the September 11 attacks looks at how the U.S. has (or has not) changed, saying that 9/11 was like "a bolt of lightning that brilliantly and briefly illuminated the landscape without changing it. The storm passed."
(The Economist)
9/11 Documentary "Anatomy of September 11th" Stands Out - Sep 9, 2002
An installment of A & E's "Investigative Reports" series seeks to explain why the World Trade Center towers, such massive steel buildings, fell.
(New York Times)
Play About Fallen Firefighters Now a Movie - Sep 9, 2002
When it first opened last December "The Guys," said to be the first play about Sept. 11 to reach the New York stage, was widely expected to last a season, no more. Now the script of the play is out in paperback, and "The Guys" will have its premiere as a movie on Wednesday -- Sept. 11 -- at the Toronto Film Festival.
(New York Times)
September 11 As Seen By 11 Foreign Directors - Sep 9, 2002
"11'09"01 Ñ Sept. 11," is an unusual movie, both touching and disturbing, which comprises 11 short films made by 11 international directors, each lasting 11 minutes 9 seconds, plus one final image.
(New York Times)
A Year of Making U.S. Safer - Sep 9, 2002
One year after the worst terrorist attacks on United States soil, Americans are safer but still far from safe. In recent days, the top Bush administration officials charged with securing the nation at home and abroad have all cited progress but also acknowledged the continuing threat in their public comments.
(New York Times)
9/11 Prompts New Caution in Skyscraper Design - Sep 9, 2002
Only a year later, the attacks have profoundly altered one of the deepest and most original expressions of American culture, ego, muscle, and scientific and financial prowess: the skyscraper. New threats have already led developers, engineers, architects and building tenants to rethink how they hold up and fortify these grand structures. The story includes an interactive feature showing changes in buildings under construction and in the planning stages.
(New York Times)
Hollywood's Response to 9/11 - Sep 9, 2002
As part of the Los Angeles' Times' "9/11 A Year After" coverage, the paper takes a look at 9/11's influence on Hollywood, and finds that the prediction that "nothing would be as it was before" appears to be only partly true.
(Los Angeles Times)
On 9/11, New York's Emergency Office Could Do Little - Sep 9, 2002
The city's Office of Emergency Management was designed to be cutting edge and thus deeply reassuring to a city that knew it was a target for terror: it would prepare for the worst and oversee the response when the worst hit. Whatever its grand ambitions, when crisis struck on September 11, the agency found itself marginalized and overwhelmed.
(New York Times)
One Year Later in Middletown, NJ, the Town That Lost 36 - Sep 9, 2002
The Times continues its series of articles about Middletown, N.J. the town that has become a national symbol of devastating loss and communal caretaking since losing 36 residents on Sept. 11. The town is now struggling with the urge to move past the trauma of last September and the need to remember.
(New York Times)
Government Planning to Fingerprint Foreigners - Sep 9, 2002
Immigration agents at the nation's border crossings, airports and seaports this week will begin to fingerprint foreigners who they suspect may pose security risks.
(New York Times)
New York Post: Special Coverage "Those We Lost" - Sep 9, 2002
The New York Post's "Those We Lost" anniversary section includes a list of all who died in the World Trade Center attacks, with their ages and occupations. The section also runs stories about the rescue workers who found the body of Rev. Mychal Judge, called "Father Mike," an interview with an 18-year-old whose father died in the attacks and a profile of a couple who met on Sept. 11, 2001.
(New York Post)
Legal Deadline Approaches for 9/11 Families - Sep 9, 2002
Thousands who lost loved ones in the Sept. 11 attacks could miss their chance to sue the Port Authority because they're either preoccupied with grief or unaware of tomorrow's deadline for filing suit, lawyers say. The Port Authority has received more than 1,000 notices of intent to sue, said agency spokesman Allen Morrison. But perhaps double that number have potential claims and have not filed such a notice, which is required before suing.
(New York Post)
Charity For Firefighters Under Investigation After Possible Fraud - Sep 9, 2002
Despite receiving $320,000 more in donations in 2001 than the year before, the New York Firefighters Foundation, a Florida-based charity that solicits money in the name of New York firefighters, gave away only $48,000 in scholarships and grants - less than 4% of all donations received, and only two-thirds of the amount disbursed in 2000. Not a penny of the million-plus raised by the charity has gone to relatives of fallen New York City firefighters, according to a Daily News investigation. The state attorney general is now investigating the operators of the charity.
(New York Daily News)
New York City Police Museum Hosts Powerful Exhibit On 9/11 - Sep 9, 2002
Of the hundreds of Sept. 11 commemorations across the country this week, few are as powerful as the collection now on display at the New York City Police Museum. To enter the four-story building downtown is to step into the day of the attacks. The items on display at the exhibit, entitled "Stronger Than Ever: The NYPD Responds to 9/11," were culled from hundreds of artifacts from Ground Zero and the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, where Trade Center debris was taken. Others were loaned or donated by police officers, families of the slain and the public.
(New York Daily News)
Former Employees in World Trade Center Scattered Throughout City - Sep 9, 2002
Most of the largest of the trade center companies relocated in midtown, a Newsday survey found. Others clustered downtown and in Jersey City, while smaller firms also scattered to Queens and Brooklyn. Newsday reporters interviewed more than 100 people who had worked at the World Trade Center and found a wide range of responses to being displaced from the offices in the twin towers they called home.
BBC News - September 11th: One Year On - Sep 9, 2002
The BBC News website features a section about the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, with features about the war on terrorism as well as about the reaction in New York City and around the world. Aside from eyewitness accounts and recollections of the day, the site also features an animated guide to the collapse of the towers as well as a feature on the effect of the attacks on Chinatown in lower Manhattan. A photo essay also highlights images from Ground Zero.
(BBC News)
New York Times Book Review: Reading 9/11 - Sep 8, 2002
The New York Times Book Review's anniversary coverage includes a September 11 reading list and a critical essay by Walter Kirn about the themes and merits of the mountains of 9/11 books that appeared after the attacks "like flowers after a funeral."
(New York Times)
Poll: New Yorkers Say Sept 11 Should Be About Looking Forward - Sep 8, 2002
A new New York Post poll says that on the eve of the anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, New Yorkers are ready to move on. When asked whether the anniversary of Sept. 11 should be about "looking back and remembering" or "moving forward," 47 percent agreed that the future is what they want to focus on, while only 36 percent wanted to look back.
(New York Post)
Giuliani Reflects on Last Year and the Future - Sep 8, 2002
At a newsconference last week, former mayor Rudolph Giuliani began with a brief, informal statement about the coming memorial ceremony, then answered questions for about 45 minutes on subjects ranging from the political to the personal, at one point relating his memories of waking up on Sept. 12, 2001, to see the sun rise.
(New York Times)
9/11 Families Feel Apart From the Country - Sep 8, 2002
A year later, the families of Sept. 11 Ñ a small city's worth of widows, parents and other kin touched by terror Ñ say that what defines them most is their sense of separation from other Americans. As a nation that wept together resumes its hectic, distracted course, family members and outsiders say, September's bereaved have become a lost legion, left to find their own way.
(New York Times)
9/11 Gave a Devastating Shove to the City's Economy - Sep 8, 2002
Economists and business experts suggest that even if many of the city's economic losses might ultimately have occurred anyway, the Sept. 11 attack compressed what might have been a relatively mild recession into a few very painful months.
(New York Times)
Religious Leaders are Writing 9/11 Sermons - Sep 8, 2002
While secular leaders are refraining from speechmaking Ñ whether out of fear of inadequacy or a sincere sense of awe Ñ it will be the preachers shaping the oratorical legacy of Wednesday's public recollection of Sept. 11, 2001, in New York.
(New York Times)
Two Familes One Year Later: One Stayed, the Other Moved - Sep 8, 2002
Although relatively few families eventually left New York City after the World Trade Center attacks, September 11 forced people to reassess their relationship with the city. Two families living almost exactly at Ground Zero made two very different decisions.
(New York Times)
Marine Biologists Dig to Find Net Effect of 9/11 - Sep 8, 2002
Marine biologists are studying the effects of the Sept.11 attack on the fish and invertebrates that live on the bottom of New York Harbor. After the attack, a miasma of smoke and fragments of the trade center drifted around lower Manhattan, eventually settling onto the Hudson's surface.
(Washington Post)
An Investment Bank Rebuilds and Reflects One Year Later - Sep 8, 2002
Keefe Bruyette, located in the 88th and 89th floors of the World Trade Center's south tower, lost 67 of its approximately 250 employees, including nearly its entire group of research analysts and traders. Two weeks later, when a Keefe Bruyette executive asked Mr. DiAntonio to come back and help rebuild the trading desk, he accepted without hesitation. "It was an easy decision," he says. The firm will be open on the anniversary of the attack, and a memorial service will be held at the day's end at a midtown church.
(Wall Street Journal)
Daily News - Special Coverage of 9/11 Anniversary - Sep 8, 2002
The Daily News coverage of the September 11 anniversary features an extended essay by Pete Hamill recalling the events of September 11 a year ago. Other stories about September 11 take a look at the impromptu memorials that sprung up around the city; stories of the workers at Ground Zero; the outpouring of money into charities set up to help aid victims of September 11 and their relatives; and a look at the cultural repsonse to 9/11.
(New York Daily News)
Newsday: Special Section - 9/11 One Year Later - Sep 8, 2002
Newsday presents a special section with coverage devoted to the September 11 attacks and the reactions and aftermath a year later. Highlights include a feature on security one year later; profiles of survivors; excerpts from letters and artwork by students and children responding to the attacks; and a searchable list of anniversary-related events throughout the city and Long Island.
Commemorations Begin As Anniversary Nears - Sep 8, 2002
As the anniversary of Sept. 11 approached, New Yorkers and visitors to the city remembered the terrorist attacks with tributes, ceremonies and recollections of private grief. Events taking place Sunday included a memorial walk led by paralyzed police detective Steven McDonald and the presentation of a plaque honoring transit workers. A coalition of groups opposed to President Bush's war on terror and his plans for attacking Iraq held a march from Times Square to Union Square.
(Associated Press)
New Yorkers Still Fearful One Year Later - Sep 7, 2002
An overwhelming majority of New Yorkers think about the September 11 attacks at least once a week, with almost half thinking about them at least once a day, according to a poll from Newsday. Furthermore, some New Yorkers from outside Manhattan are taking less frequent trips into Manhattan, while over 70 percent of those surveyed foresee another terrorist attack taking place in the United States in the future.
Congress, Back in Its First City, Pays Tribute to 9/11 Victims and Heroes - Sep 7, 2002
Congress convened a special meeting in New York yesterday to pay tribute to the victims and the heroes of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and, in the words of the speakers, to show the world that America had been made stronger by the assaults on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
(New York Times)
Radical UK Muslims to Rally on September 11 - Sep 7, 2002
Britain's most radical Islamic group, al-Muhajiroun, is planning to hold a controversial conference on September 11 highlighting ``the positive outcomes'' of last year's attacks, according to its Web Site. The conference will be held at London's Finsbury Park Mosque, home to firebrand cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri and previously visited by terror suspects, including Zacarias Moussaoui, an alleged conspirator in the attacks.
Pataki's Tours for 9/11 Silence Usual Critics - Sep 7, 2002
As Wednesday's anniversary of the attack approaches, Gov. George Pataki has toured the city and state, taking part in as many as three 9/11 remembrances a day. But even privately, top Democrats do no more than grumble about details of the Republican governor's recent Sept. 11 itinerary. If anything, many sound jealous that he is positioned to reap what political rewards there are in being associated with New York's response to the devastation.
(New York Times)
Raymond Kelly On New York City Security One Year Later - Sep 7, 2002
As part of a series of interviews about the city and the country one year after 9/11, the New York Times interviewed New York City police commissioner Raymond Kelly about the state of security in the city today, and what "safe" should mean for New Yorkers.
(New York Times)
Smaller but Heartfelt Ceremonies Around U.S. - Sep 7, 2002
With the coming anniversary, the nation will be watching Washington and New York, where elaborate memorial services will be televised around the world. But for people elsewhere in the country, there will be thousands of smaller services at churches, on courthouse steps, or in the privacy of homes.
(New York Times)
Gathering For Widows Who Gave Birth After 9/11 - Sep 7, 2002
Widows who gave birth after Sept. 11 gathered yesterday at Cipriani in Midtown in preparation for the first anniversary of the attacks.
(New York Times)
24-Hour Jet Patrols Resume - Sep 7, 2002
With the Sept. 11 anniversary approaching, 24-hour military fighter jet patrols have resumed over Washington and New York, officials said yesterday .
(New York Post)
Bloomberg Asks Networks Not To Run Constant Images of 9/11 Collapse - Sep 7, 2002
Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn't want to see reruns of the searing images of Sept. 11, he declared yesterday on his WABC Radio show, asking the television networks not to run the images of the towers' collapse again and again.
(New York Post)
Rabbis: Think of 9/11 This New Year - Sep 7, 2002
Rabbis around the city are asking Jews who began celebrating Rosh Hashanah last night to focus on remembering those lost on Sept. 11, cherishing life and learning from failures - even those of our government.
(New York Post)
No Invitation To September 11 Ceremonies For Taiwan - Sep 6, 2002
In a bow to the State Department, Mayor BloombergÕs office has denied Taiwan, a democratic nation that lost nine people in last yearÕs attacks on the World Trade Center, an invitation to participate in WednesdayÕs memorial service for September 11 victims.
(New York Sun)
Restrictions Finalized For September 11 Flights Over New York City - Sep 6, 2002
Airline passengers will have to stay in their seats the first 30 minutes of any flight out of New York's major airports and the last 30 minutes of any flight in next week as part of new security restrictions put in place for the Sept. 11 anniversary.
Teachers Look for the Lessons of September 11 - Sep 6, 2002
Teachers around the country are preparing to replay Sept. 11 next week in many ways. The anniversary has emerged as an occasion for special lessons on history and technology, poetry and psychology, art and architecture, hatred and patriotism.
(Los Angeles Times)
New Yorkers Stressed, Few Seek Help - Sep 6, 2002
A government study of 3,512 people in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut found that 75 percent reported having emotional problems after Sept. 11, but only 12 percent asked for help, even from friends and family
(Associated Press)
Winter Garden Reopens - Sep 6, 2002
Yesterday, with a host of government officials and construction workers on hand, officials of Brookfield Properties, owner of three of the World Financial CenterÕs four buildings and Lower ManhattanÕs biggest commercial landlord, showed off to the press the companyÕs $50-million reconstruction of the Winter Garden -- the soaring, glass-enclosed public space that is the jewel of the World Financial Center.
9/11 Television: A Special Day of Pain and Comfort - Sep 6, 2002
The 9/11 anniversary programming, which has already begun, will steadily increase until Wednesday. There is not much new within this onslaught. But just as television was the medium through which most of us experienced the attacks, now television is setting the memorial tone as it offers Ñ or rather demands with its blanket coverage Ñ a day of reflection.
(New York Times)
Tattoos Serve As Personal Memorials - Sep 6, 2002
Like those long favored by military veterans, Sept. 11 tattoos have become a public declaration of loss, defiance and survival. Firefighters, police officers and bereaved relatives all sought solace though memorials inked into their skin.
(Associated Press)
Sculptor Forced to Move 9 / 11 Statues - Sep 6, 2002
An artist who spent the summer creating a memorial to the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was forced to move two 13-foot statues from a federal park where they were created.
(Associated Press)
Films Make Art of 9/11 Chaos - Sep 6, 2002
You can't speak strictly cinematically about the attack on the Twin Towers; it was an extraordinary disaster, one whose emotional and spiritual dust hasn't even begun to settle. Nor can one judge the plethora of anniversary films and videos now coming out by standard critical criteria.
Democrats: Pataki Exploits 9/11 - Sep 6, 2002
Senior Democrats yesterday accused Gov. Pataki of capitalizing on the Sept. 11 tragedy to promote his campaign for governor.
(New York Post)
Both Candidates for Governer to Pull Ads Beginning Tues. - Sep 6, 2002
In honor of the one-year anniversary of Sept. 11, Gov. Pataki will pull all his political ads from the airways for three days beginning on Tuesday, not just on the anniversary itself, officials said yesterday.
(New York Post)
City Struggles for Economic Recovery - Sep 6, 2002
The city's economy, battered by the powerful riptides of Sept. 11 and last year's recession, may have hit bottom in February but has been drifting ever since. Local unemployment stands at a dismal 7.7%.
(New York Daily News)
9/11 cost Insurers $40.2B - Sep 6, 2002
Insurers will pay out an estimated $40.2 billion for losses stemming from the Sept. 11 terror attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, a top insurance trade group reported yesterday.
(New York Daily News)
9/11 Poem to Be Read Before Congress - Sep 6, 2002
Billy Collins, poet laureate of the United States, will read this poem about Sept. 11, "The Names" before Congress today at its joint session in New York City.
(New York Times)
125 Cedar St: Still Coated in Dust and Ash - Sep 6, 2002
The rest of the city might have moved past 9/11, but a year after a year after the destruction of the trade center flooded their living rooms and bedrooms with ash and debris, the residents of 125 Cedar Street are still living it every day. The apartments sit largely barren, still coated in dust and ash, with no sign of the vibrant life the residents enjoyed for a quarter century at the feet of the twin towers.
(New York Times)
At 125 Cedar St: A Tea Set that Captured the Moment of 9/11 - Sep 6, 2002
Elaine Williamson's tea set, encased in a fine, gray dust, was photographed by Edward Keating and published last Sept. 20 on the front of the The New York Times' daily section "A Nation Challenged." Several newspapers around the world also published it and the photograph became an icon of 9/11. When Williamson first returned to her apartment, she took the tea set with her.
(New York Times)
A Scholarship Fund for Children of Those Who Suffered Financial Losses - Sep 6, 2002
AXA Financial Inc., the financial services company, is donating $3 million to start a new scholarship fund for victims of the terror attacks on Sept. 11. The fund, named Families of Freedom 2: Building Futures Through Education, will devote itself to providing scholarships and educational support for indirect victims of the attacks Ñ those who lost jobs and businesses Ñ and their children who are on the verge of going to college.
(New York Times)
N.Y. Seeing Only Part of Promised Aid - Sep 5, 2002
Soon after Sept. 11, President Bush promised New York City more than $20 billion in federal aid. A year later, only a fraction of that money has been spent. Thousands of aid applications are sitting in government offices, while the cash flow has been slowed by red tape and a lack of consensus over how to rebuild the World Trade Center site.
(Associated Press)
September 11 Birthdays: Between Remembrance and Celebration - Sep 5, 2002
For many of the countless Americans born on Sept. 11, that date assumed an ominous ring for the first time last year. Wednesday will be a balancing act. With the first anniversary shaping up as a national day of remembrance and rededication Ñ a true Memorial Day Ñ a lot of people will have to struggle to get through the televised ceremonies and tributes, not to mention the unearthly quiet of a weekday when many businesses will close and many Americans will elect to stay indoors.
(New York Times)
Subway Service to Resume on Routes Closed After 9/11 - Sep 5, 2002
Subway service on lines serving Brooklyn, the West Side of Manhattan and the Bronx will return to normal for the first time in a year on Sept. 15, when three of the four subway stations closed since the World Trade Center attack are to reopen, city and state officials said yesterday.
(New York Times)
On Anniversary, Ground Zero Vendors Will Be Banned - Sep 5, 2002
Scores of vendors creating a "carnival atmosphere" at Ground Zero will be barred from the site's perimeter during the one-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, officials said yesterday.
(New York Post)
Economic Anguish of 9/11 Is Detailed by Comptroller - Sep 5, 2002
The attack on the World Trade Center will cost New York City $83 billion to $95 billion, depending on how many businesses wind up leaving the city, according to a report issued yesterday by William C. Thompson Jr., the city comptroller.
(New York Times)
An Icon After Sept. 11, Giuliani Keeps Options Open - Sep 5, 2002
A year after Sept. 11, Rudolph W. Giuliani can contemplate an unspecified political future that he could not have dreamed of before.
(New York Times)
A View of Loss, and of Recovery - Sep 5, 2002
The silence of devastation at the Winter Garden, destroyed on Sept. 11 but now rebuilt, has been replaced by the hush of anticipation.
(New York Times)
Lots of Progress in Rebuilding Downtown - Sep 5, 2002
Beneath the once-scarred streets of lower Manhattan, 130 miles of electric cable have been replaced. So has nearly a mile of gas pipe. Aboveground, more than 122 buildings have been cleaned of dust and grime, and almost every street has been repaved.
(New York Daily News)
Near Ground Zero, Paternal Pataki Reaps Dividends - Sep 5, 2002
Pollsters and political insiders have found that New York City residents are more optimistic about the future, and more confident in their leaders, than other Americans. Howard Wolfson, the executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, calls it the "Ground Zero effect," and its chief beneficiary is Gov. George Pataki, the two-time Republican incumbent who is seeking re-election this fall.
(New York Observer)
Voices of the 9/11 Generation - Sep 5, 2002
In June, Newsday invited students to send in artwork, essays or poems about September 11. Hundreds of youngsters sent in work that conveyed their sadness, confusion, horror - and, happily, their indomitable optimism and resolve - in the aftermath of last year's terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. A sampling of the students' work.
Tangible Reminders of Sept. 11 Get Pride of Place in Exhibitions - Sep 5, 2002
Dozens of cultural institutions plan to display hundreds of objects recovered after the terror attacks of Sept. 11. They will exhibit a flower-bedecked mountain bike believed to have been abandoned by a missing World Trade Center messenger, a crushed firefighter's helmet from ground zero, the bent squeegee handle used to escape from a North Tower elevator, and many other historical objects.
(New York Times)
Cartoonist Draws on 9/11 for Strip - Sep 5, 2002
Art Spiegelman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Maus" cartoonist-novelist, is creating an autobiographical comic-strip serial for the Forward, the national Jewish newspaper, chronicling his reaction to 9/11.
Theatrical Odyssey Memorializes 9/11 - Sep 5, 2002
"Brave New World," a three-day theater marathon commemorating the attacks of Sept. 11, was the brainchild of playwright J. Dakota Powell, who had lost a relative in the collapse of the World Trade Center. The show runs Monday through Wednesday at Manhattan's Town Hall and benefits the New York Children's Foundation.
Liberty Island Hosts Family Party - Sep 5, 2002
Liberty Island was opened at night for the first time in four years yesterday, for a night of live music and fireworks to mark the end of a "summer camp" for relatives of the 9/11 victims.
(New York Post)
De Niro Chosen For 9/11 Tribute - Sep 5, 2002
Robert De Niro is among the scores of people whom city officials have asked to read the names of the Sept. 11 victims during next week's tribute. Others are expected to include Secretary of State Colin Powell and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Some family members have expressed concern that there will be too many celebrities.
(New York Post)
Special Investigation: Weapons Aboard Planes - Sep 4, 2002
To test the supposedly more stringent security imposed at the nation's airports after the Sept. 11 attacks, Daily News reporters boarded flights over the Labor Day weekend carrying contraband - including box cutters, razor knives and pepper spray. Not a single airport security checkpoint spotted or confiscated any of the dangerous items, all of which have been banned from airports and planes by federal authorities.
(New York Daily News)
New Task Force to Help Fire Department Prepare forÊ Terror Attacks - Sep 4, 2002
Mayor Michael Bloomberg said yesterday that a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency would head a terrorism preparedness task force within the city's Fire Department, a group that will include a former director of Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency. The task force will evaluate the department's technical capabilities to deal with various terrorism threats, and make recommendations.
(New York Times)
With 9/11 Flag, A Mystery Unfurls - Sep 4, 2002
There it was, one of the enduring symbols of Sept. 11: a simple American flag that became an icon when it was raised by three firefighters over the ruins of the World Trade Center.But where is it now? In the months after the terrorist attack, the flag traveled a very patriotic route around the world. When it was returned to its owners a few weeks ago, they noticed that it was not the same flag.
(New York Times)
Poll Finds Children Still Traumatized by 9/11 - Sep 4, 2002
Nearly a year after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, children in New York City and nationwide are still showing signs of psychological trauma related to the disaster, a poll has found. Sixty-nine percent of parents in New York - and more than 40 percent of parents nationwide - say nightmares, anxiety, headaches and depression continue to plague their children.
(Associated Press)
FDNY's Emissary to World - Sep 4, 2002
In the aftermath of the World Trade Center attack, firefighter Jim Carney found himself thrown into the role of arranging funerals and care for the families of the 343 firefighters killed.
(New York Post)
Labor Leaders Hail Workers for 9/11 Sacrifices - Sep 4, 2002
New York City's union movement marked Labor Day yesterday in a far different way than in past years, turning its annual rally into a commemoration of the nearly 3,000 people, including 600 union members, who died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack.
(New York Times)
Judge Says Sept. 11 Families Can Change Minds on Suing - Sep 4, 2002
A federal judge in Manhattan said yesterday that he would allow families of Sept. 11 victims who decide to sue the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to change their minds if they later decide to seek an award from the Victim Compensation Fund.
(New York Times)
Airlines Struggling After 9/11 - Sep 4, 2002
Nearly a year after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the nation's major airlines have gone financially from bad to worse to not much better, and the New York region's aviation industry still hasn't recovered.
Eight Names Removed From Victim List - Sep 4, 2002
At least eight people whose names are among those presumed to have died in the WTC disaster will be dropped from the official tally later this week. Detectives assigned to the NYPD's Missing Persons Squad have determined that a number of people presumed to have perished in the Sept. 11 disaster are indeed alive.
(New York Post)
Tribute in Wax - Sep 4, 2002
]The three firefighters photographed raising the American flag over the ashes of Ground Zero, an image that became the symbol of America's will to fight terror, were honored yesterday at the unveiling of a life-size wax monument of the moment.
(New York Post)
Kerik Haunted by Sept. 11 Images - Sep 4, 2002
In the past year Bernard Kerik has published a tell-all memoir, left his job as New York's police commissioner and joined his former boss Rudolph Giuliani at a start-up consulting firm. But in a recent interview at the firm's Times Square office, Kerik still seemed the tough-talking street cop -- though one scarred by Sept. 11.
(New York Times)
Sept. 11 Books Hit Bookstores - Sep 3, 2002
A year after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, bookstores across the country will mark the anniversary with readings, vigils and other events. They will also be selling books. More than 100 related works are due this fall and virtually all booksellers have tables set aside.
(Associated Press)
City's Payouts Decrease in 2002, Due to 9/11 - Sep 3, 2002
Lawsuit payouts by New York City nose-dived by nearly $100 million to $458.6 million in the fiscal year that ended June 30, the Corporation Counsel's Office reports. The 17.7 percent drop, however, is not likely to offer the city respite from the steady increase in payouts over the last decade because the decrease was principally a product of the disruption caused by the Sept. 11 attacks.
(New York Law Journal)
USA Today: 9/11 One Year Later - Sep 3, 2002
USA begins its online anniversary coverge with an interactive look at a "year of recovery," and part 1 of a series recounting September 11, 2001 from interviews with over 300 survivors.
(USA Today)
Sept. 11 Urban Legends Abound - Sep 3, 2002
As the anniversary of Sept. 11 approaches, terror-related urban legends are running rampant. Luckily, Snopes.com, the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is working to keep pandemonium at bay with levelheaded debunking of these well-meaning but often goofy warnings and too-good-to-be-true stories.
A Troubling Year For Muslims in America - Sep 3, 2002
This has been a deeply troubling year for Muslims in America Ñ a time of bitter misunderstandings and often stark extremes of experience. On one level, the governmentÕs questioning and detention of hundreds of mostly immigrant men in probes that many believe are based on religious and ethnic profiling have created a powerful sense of siege. But there also have been other, less remarked-upon changes.
For Survivors, No Escaping the Memories of Sept. 11 - Sep 3, 2002
For attack survivor Neil Getter and many other Aon employees contacted last month, the first anniversary is stirring stews of memories and emotions that are boiling over. A largely unspoken undertone of guilt is palpable in talking with the employees of Aon, which lost 175 workers that day. It is as if they believe they should have done more for others, even if that almost certainly would have meant their own deaths.
Giuliani Says WTC Offices a Possibility - Sep 3, 2002
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said yesterday that the World Trade Center redevelopment effort should focus on a memorial but didn't rule out putting up buildings on the site. In the current issue of Time magazine, he writes, "If it were up to me, I'd devote the entire 16 acres to the memorial" - a stance at odds with that of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other officials.
(New York Daily News)
16-Acre Memorial Has Little Support From Local Politicians - Sep 3, 2002
Former mayor Rudolph Giuliani allies such as Mayor Bloomberg and Gov. Pataki - who control development on the World Trade Center site - failed yesterday to back Giuliani's call for preserving the entire 16-acre area for a tribute to those killed Sept. 11.
(New York Post)
PBS Draws Ire Over 9/11 Show - Sep 3, 2002
The cityÕs largest public television station is marking September 11 with a documentary whose Web site is being lambasted by Israelis and American Jewish groups for offering an inaccurate and one-sided history of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
(New York Sun)
Ground Zero Kids Head to Temporary Midtown High School - Sep 3, 2002
A new high school catering to students residing near Ground Zero will open on Thursday, but in a location far uptown. The New Millennium School will hold its first year of classes for 125 ninth-grade students at the High School for Arts and Design at Second Avenue and 57th Street. City school officials were unable to secure adequate space downtown in time for the new school year, officials said.
(New York Post)
Long Island Teens Arrested in Bias Attack - Sep 3, 2002
Two Long Island teenagers have been arrested for punching a 15-year-old Muslim boy in a bias attack after yelling that he and his mother "blew up the Twin Towers," the Suffolk County Police said.
(New York Post)
Handbags Made From Giuliani's Ties at 9/11 Benefit - Sep 3, 2002
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani has had more than 60 silk ties from his personal collection transformed into handmade women's handbags to be sold in an auction tomorrow night benefiting the Twin Towers Fund.
(New York Post)
Face of Firefighting, Taken One at a Time - Sep 3, 2002
Laura Yanes, an amateur photographer, walked by a firehouse near Union Square in July 2001 and simply snapped a picture of a firefighter. Her project grew after September 11, and Yanes now plans to photograph every single New York City firefighter. So far, less than a year into the project, she has photographed 2,000.
(New York Times)
With Towers Gone, Area May Be Vulnerable to Lightning - Sep 3, 2002
When the World Trade Center stood, lightning regularly struck its towers and was safely discharged to the ground. Now, scientists say, Lower Manhattan may be much more vulnerable to lightning. Meteorologists and engineers have been given new impetus to study how lightning behaves in urban areas and how best to protect city dwellers.
(New York Times)
Many Minds, Each Envisioning a Different 9/11 Memorial - Sep 2, 2002
In planning for a memorial in New York City to the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks at the World Trade Center and elsewhere, a struggle for control of the process has laid bare a tangle of unending grief, cultural chasms, distrust of government and pure and simple rage among a host of disparate groups. Residents of Lower Manhattan, business owners, architects, commuters, historians and relatives of the dead are vociferously making their views known.
(New York Times)
Unanswered Questions About 9/11 Plotters - Sep 2, 2002
One year later, the FBI has assembled an excruciatingly detailed record of the movements, phone calls, and financial transactions of the 19 hijackers. And investigations overseas have shed some light on the plot's genesis. But many important questions remain unanswered. What was the exact al Qaeda chain of command? How were the hijackers communicating with their leaders? And did the hijackers scout other targets for future al Qaeda operations?
(U.S. News and World Report)
The Lost Chance To Prevent 9/11 - Sep 2, 2002
Long before 9/11, the White House debated taking the fight to al-Qaeda. It didn't happenÑand soon it was too late.
What To Do With Ground Zero - Sep 2, 2002
One year after the terrorist attacks, the place where the Twin Towers once loomed looks like any big-city construction site. But exactly what will be built there is still anyoneÕs guess. One of the many remarkable stories of the last year is how public opinion, galvanized by the tragedy, has derailed the business-as-usual development plans that called for replacing the World Trade CenterÕs 11 million square feet of office space.
People Divided on Sept. 11 Holiday - Sep 2, 2002
Americans are divided about whether Sept. 11 should be a national holiday like Veterans Day or Memorial Day, according to a CNN-Time poll released Sunday. While 44 percent favor the idea, 51 percent opposed it, down from a 48-48 split in March.
(Associated Press)
Newsweek: 9/11, One Year Later - Sep 2, 2002
Newsweek's September 11 anniversary coverage includes a look at that tragic day with five who survived the attacks, an analysis of how September 11 will go down in history with five prominent U.S. historians, and several essays on the artistic response to the World Trade Center attacks. Also: a look at the future of New York City.
Time Magazine: 9/11, One Year Later - Sep 2, 2002
Time Magazine's anniversary coverage includes profiles of 11 people affected by the attacks, including the last person found alive at Ground Zero, an Afghani woman and a 12-year-old girl whose father died on September 11, 2001. Also: essays by Rudolph Giuliani, Michael Kinsley, Andrew Sullivan and others.
A Painful Anniversary - Sep 2, 2002
As it approaches the first anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attacks in American history, the nation is gearing up for what may well be the largest collective ceremony of remembrance in American history.
(U.S. News and World Report)
Architect At LMDC Sketched WTC Vision For Protetch Gallery - Sep 2, 2002
Months before renowned architect Billie Tsien joined the Lower Manhattan Development Corp., she sketched her own vision for the World Trade Center site. This week, the design by Tsien and her husband, Tod Williams - "Buildings in the Form of Trees," first drafted in January - will find a wider audience in the new catalog of the Max Protetch Gallery.
After Sept. 11, Defiant Workers Empower NYC - Sep 2, 2002
Many New York City workers said they have become more appreciative of their jobs and respectful of their colleagues since Sept. 11. They said they are more aware that life is fleeting, and that anger and hatred take away from it. And as they deal with the consequences of Sept. 11 - lingering fears of another attack and continuing grief over the loss of life - they have become heroes themselves, the muscles that keep this city turning.
Tribute to City's Sanitation Workers - Sep 2, 2002
Sanitation workers were praised yesterday as the "unsung heroes" of Sept. 11 for their nine-month cleanup of Ground Zero. Nearly 300 members New York's Strongest were honored at a reception for their work hauling 1.7 million metric tons of debris from lower Manhattan to the Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island.
(New York Post)
Congress' visit a show of solidarity - Sep 2, 2002
It's been 212 years, but Congress is returning to New York. About 200 members are expected to convene in a joint session at Federal Hall on Friday to pass a resolution expressing unity with New York City and declaring the nation's resolve against terrorism.
(New York Daily News)
Police Search for Man Using 9/11 Victim's Identity - Sep 1, 2002
Police are searching for a thief who stole the identity of a Newark man who died in the World Trade Center. The widow of Sean Booker, who was 35 when he perished Sept. 11, 2001, alerted authorities after a letter addressed to her husband indicated that he had received a traffic ticket on May 5 in Tarboro, N.C.
(New York Post)
Thinking Big in New York, Seeking a Grand Vision of Public Works - Sep 1, 2002
Hovering above the initial debate over the World Trade Center site is a more sweeping and historically significant question: Can New York City, which for more than a century led the world in the construction of major public works only to repudiate the practice some 30 years ago, somehow learn to build on a grand scale again?
(New York Times)
A Year Later, City is Still On Edge - Sep 1, 2002
A year after terrorists brought down the World Trade Center, most New Yorkers are coping uneasily with the aftermath of the debacle. Most are determined to carry on normally. But a striking majority - 72% - believe another terrorist attack is very or somewhat likely.
(New York Daily News)
WTC Transit Plans Altered After Victims' Families' Pleas - Sep 1, 2002
Plans for an underground transportation concourse at the World Trade Center site have been altered in response to pleas from family members of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks that the concourse not run beneath the footprint of one of the destroyed towers, officials in the rebuilding effort say.
(New York Times)
Struggle to Tally All 9/11 Dead by Anniversary - Sep 1, 2002
From the earliest hours after the the destruction of the World Trade Center, one of the most painful and complicated tasks has been determining precisely how many people died and who exactly they were. The city is finally on the verge of establishing the final death toll, a need that is given urgency by the approach of the first anniversary of the attack and the city's plans to read each victim's name during the main ceremony at ground zero.
(New York Times)
Artists' Reflections on Creativity Since the Day of Destruction - Sep 1, 2002
The cultural landscape today may not seem terribly different from what it was a year ago. But some artists with Manhattan roots and habits, whose daily views were dominated by the World Trade Center towers, have found that the air they breathe in is not the same, and neither is the imaginative product they exhale.
Film Captures City in 9/11's Wake - Sep 1, 2002
When he saw the second plane hit the World Trade Center, film director Steven Rosenbaum did what he does best: He told his colleagues to pick up their cameras. Rosenbaum's film "7 Days in September," which opens Friday in two local theaters, is the first documentary released theatrically that captures the events of 9/11 and the following week. It's a story told through the eyes of 27 different filmmakers.
(New York Post)
Trade Center Collapse Destroyed Crime Investigation Evidence - Sep 1, 2002
Federal agencies say some of their investigations were affected when evidence was lost in the rubble of Ground Zero. And a few "lucky" criminals benefited. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, U.S. Customs, the Secret Service and the Securities and Exchange Commission all had offices adjacent to the World Trade Center in buildings that were destroyed or severely damaged.
(New York Post)
Victims' Familes Still Wrestling With Financial Issues - Sep 1, 2002
Families of September 11 victims have had access to money, and plenty of it - more than $2.5 billion raised by major charities, according to estimates, and a pot exceeding $5 billion available to those who apply to the federal Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund. But the amount each family will get from that fund, set to make distributions based on each victim's salary and projected lifetime earnings, and how charities are making gifts and to whom are issues many families are still wrestling with a year after the tragedy.
(New York Daily News)