The race in the 75th district on Manhattan's West Side represents a sharp contrast between a long-time politician and total newcomer.
Assemblymember Richard Gottfried has represented the 75th District since he was elected in 1970 -- when he was 23 years old. Now, a 22-year-old is seeking to unseat him.
Gottfried, a Democrat who also is endorsed by the Working Families Party, is the chair of the Committee on Health and has been a key player in much of the health legislation that has been passed in the past several decades.
His challenger, Saul Farber, who recently graduated from NYU, is backed both by the Republican and Independent parties. Farber's key issues are reform in Albany and decreasing spending.
Farber collected $38,749 in campaign contribution in the period leading up to the32 Day Pre-General filing report and had $47,145 on hand. Farber had raised $24,580 and had $21,644 on hand.