The following is a list of endorsements for A. Gifford Miller for the Democratic nomination for mayor of New York City from newspapers, civic groups, unions and other labor organizations and politicians. It was culled largely from his Web site and also from newspaper accounts and Internet searches. This is not intended to be comprehensive. It is also a work in progress. If you know of any additional endorsements, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Democracy for America (liberal group formed out of the Dean campaign)
Democracy for NYC (the local affiliate; has endorsed in several races)
Empire State Pride Agenda
The state's largest lesbian, gay. Bisexual and transgender civil rights organization. The group's executive director Alan Van Capelle said, Never in the history of New York have we had a Speaker as supportive as Gifford Miller. The number of LGBT bills and issues coming before the City Council during his tenure is unprecedented."
Tenants Political Action Committee
City Traffic Agents
(Communications Workers Union Local 1182)
Former City Employees
(District Council 37 Retirees Association)
Supermarket and food-store workers
(United Food and Commercial Workers 342
United Food and Commercial Works 1500)
Teamsters Local 237
Represents 24,000 public employees in New York City, including public school safety agents and public housing employees
United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Region 9A
Diverse union representing, among other, college teachers, hospital workers and people providing legal services
Former Council Speaker Peter Vallone
"He's the only one who has the experience in City Hall to run City Hall. When you're the speaker, you're in the foxhole, literally. The question is, who's best to run the war? I don't see how you could get any better than the field commander."
Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz
Queens Borough President Helen Marshall
Representative Carolyn Maloney
Miller began his political career as an aide to Maloney.
Former Representative Thomas Manton
State Senator Martin Malave Dilan
State Senator Thomas Duane
State Senator Liz Krueger
State Senator George Onorato
State Senator Diane Savino
State Senator Eric Schneiderman
State Senator Ada Smith
State Senator TobyStavisky
State Assemblymember PeterJ. Abbate Jr.
State Assemblymember William Boyland Jr.
State Assemblymember Ann MargaretCarrozza
State Assemblymember Adele Cohen
State Assemblymember Vivian Cook
State Assemblymember Steven Cymbrowitz
State Assemblymember Michael Ginaris
State Assemblymember A. Pete Grannis
State Assemblymember Andy Hevesi
State Assemblymember Rhoda Jacobs
State Assemblymember Joseph Lentol
State Assemblymember Vito Lopez
State Assemblymember Margaret Markey
State Assemblymember Nettie Mayersohn
State Assemblymember Joan Millman
State Assemblymember Clarence Norman
State Assemblymember Daniel O'Donnell
State Assemblymember Audrey Pheffer
State Assemblymember William Scarborough
State Assemblymember Frank Seddio
State Assemblymember Anthony Seminario
State Assemblymember Mark Weprin
City Councilmember Joseph Addabbo
City Councilmember Tracy Boyland
City Councilmember Gale Brewer
City Councilmember Erik Martin Dilan
City Councilmember Leroy Comrie
City Councilmember Vincent Gentile
City Councilmember James Gennaro
City Councilmember Eric Gioia
City Councilmember Melinda Katz
City Councilmember G. Oliver Koppell
City Councilmember John Liu
City Councilmember Michael McMahon
City Councilmember Michael Nelson
City Councilmember Christine Quinn
City Councilmember Dominic Recchia
City Councilmember Diana Reyna
City Councilmember Philip Reed
City Councilmember LarrySeabrook
City Councilmember Helen Sears
City Councilmember Kendall Stewart
City Councilmember DavidWeprin
City Councilmember PeterVallone Jr.
City Councilmember AlbertVann
City Councilmember David Yassky