ANTI- TERRORISM • Aid for Local Police |
Would give $10 billion for local Homeland Security efforts. more |
Would reimburse cities for Homeland Security expenses and create fund for 100,000 firefighters. more |
Would cut Pentagon budget and channel money to local efforts. more |
Would cut military spending and spend more on local efforts. more |
Promises to increase Homeland Security money for states and cities by 10 percent. more |
• Patriot Act |
Would amend the Patriot Act. more |
Would amend the Patriot Act. more |
Would repeal the Patriot Act. more |
Would repeal the Patriot Act.more |
Would continue to support the Patriot Act. more |
CRIME • Gun Laws |
Opposes granting gun makers immunity from civil lawsuits; supports background checks for guns. more |
Opposes granting gun makers immunity from civil lawsuits; supports background checks for guns. more |
Opposes granting gun makers immunity from civil lawsuits; supports background checks for guns. more |
Opposes granting gun makers immunity from civil lawsuits; supports background checks for guns. more |
Favors granting gun makers immunity from civil lawsuits; supports background checks for guns. more |
• Policing/ Sentencing |
Would expand community policing; would reform probation and parole; promises to end racial profiling. more |
Would expand community policing; would review sentencing laws for non-violent crimes; would expand drug rehab programs. more |
Would not expand community policing; would reduce sentencing for non-violent crimes; would expand drug rehab programs. more |
Would not expand community policing; would reduce sentencing for non-violent crimes; would expand drug rehab programs. more |
Would not expand community policing; would not reduce sentencing for non-violent crimes; would not expand drug rehab programs. more |
• Death Penalty |
Supports the death penalty.more |
Opposes the death penalty, except for terrorists. more |
Opposes the death penalty. more |
Opposes the death penalty. more |
Supports the death penalty. more |
ECONOMY • Jobs |
Would provide federal funds to match private investment to bring new jobs to cities; would establish job training programs through local colleges and businesses to train residents. more |
Would give $50 million in tax breaks for manufacturing jobs; would create new urban business zones; would expand programs for minority and women owned businesses. more |
Would lend $50 billion a year, interest free to state and local governments for job creation. more |
Would spend $50 billion a year for five years to rebuild infrastructure and create jobs. more |
Would continue tax cuts to encourage job growth. more |
• Minimum Wage |
Would raise the minimum wage to $6.65 an hour.more |
Would raise the minimum wage, but did not say how much. more |
Would raise the minimum wage to $8.50 an hour. more |
Would raise the minimum wage to $7.15 an hour. more |
Would not support a minimum wage increase. more |
• North America Free Trade Agreement |
Would amend NAFTA.more |
Voted for NAFTA, but says it may need to be amended. more |
Would repeal NAFTA. more |
Would repeal NAFTA. more |
Would support NAFTA. more |
• Taxes |
Would repeal tax cuts for families with incomes above $200,000.more |
Would repeal tax cuts for families with incomes above $200,000. more |
Would repeal all tax cuts and give $87 billion in tax credits for middle- and low-income families. more |
Would repeal all tax cuts. more |
Would continue tax cuts, totaling over $1 trillion over six years. more |
EDUCATION • Higher Ed |
Would pay college tuition for teachers who agree to work in difficult urban schools; would provide one year of free college tuition in exchange for 10 hours of community service a week. more |
Would expand tax credits for college; one year of free college tuition for two years of community service. more |
Would provide free college tuition for public university students. more |
Supports a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing every American a quality education. more |
Would continue to support tax credits for college. more |
• No Child Left Behind |
Would reform No Child Left Behind program and provide more money to meet the requirements. more |
Would reform No Child Left Behind program and guarantee funding for it. more |
Would reform No Child Left Behind program and provide more money to meet the requirements. more |
Opposes No Child Left Behind program. more |
Supports No Child Left Behind program. more |
• Vouchers |
Opposes vouchers for private schools. more |
Opposes vouchers for private schools. more |
Opposes vouchers for private schools. more |
Opposes vouchers for private schools. more |
Supports vouchers for private schools. more |
Would provide expanded health coverage for low-income people; would require that all Americans under 21 have health insurance. more |
Would offer every American access to health care plan offered to federal employees; would expand existing programs to cover 96 percent of population. more |
Would create a national health care plan financed by federal government. more |
Would create a national health care plan financed by federal government. more |
Would expand medical savings accounts to give workers more control; would increase tax credits to help uninsured buy medical coverage. more |
Would give a tax credit of up to $5,000 to cover down payments for low- and moderate-income families buying a home. more |
Would create a housing trust fund to build 1.5 million apartments over ten years; would use tax credits to build and rehab 500,000 homes over the next ten years. more |
Would create a housing trust fund to build 1.5 million new apartments and houses for low- and moderate-income families over ten years. more |
Would support housing assistance for low-income families. more |
Would support fund to help families with down payments for homes; would support programs to encourage minority home ownership. more |
Would reform current policy to expedite citizenship process for some immigrants; would increase enforcement on U.S./Mexico border. more |
Would reform current policy to expedite citizenship process for some immigrants; would increase enforcement on U.S./Mexico border. more |
Would reform current policy to expedite citizenship process for some immigrants; would work with Mexico to curb illegal immigration. more |
Would reform current policy to expedite citizenship process for some immigrants. more |
Would offer temporary visas to immigrants who register with employer; would increase enforcement on U.S./Mexico border. more |
Would support federal mass transit initiatives. more |
Would support transportation policy that allows cities to choose how best to use federal money. more |
Would create a federal program to employ the jobless to rebuild infrastructure, including roads, highways, and mass transit. more |
Would spend $50 billion a year over five years on highways, railways, and infrastructure. more |
Would continue to support federal mass transit initiatives; would continue support of federal aid to rebuild lower Manhattan’s transit system. more |
Would provide job training and childcare for welfare-to-work programs; would support initiatives to require fathers to pay child support; would create safety net for homeless; would launch campaign to reduce teen pregnancy. more |
Would provide job training and childcare for welfare-to-work programs; would support initiatives to require fathers to pay child support; would build affordable housing for homeless. more |
Would create a zero-unemployment economy; would create living wage; would building affordable housing for homeless. more |
Opposes welfare-to-work programs; would create massive job program to help poor. more |
Would increase work requirements for welfare-to-work programs; would create faith-based initiatives to meet needs of poor. more |