Gotham Gazette

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The 20 Most-Read Op-Eds Published by Gotham Gazette in 2022

New Yorkers have a lot to say (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayor's Office)

Gotham Gazette publishes a wide range of guest op-ed columns by a diverse set of voices. Below are the 20 most-read op-eds published by Gotham Gazette in 2022.

Please note that the opinions expressed in these and other guest columns are those of the authors alone and not of Gotham Gazette, any of its staff, publisher, or partners. [Find the latest in the Opinion section here. Have a submission? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]

1. New York Prisons Cut Crucial Lifeline to Incarcerated Individuals and Families Through Arbitrary Package Policy - by David Weprin & Julia Salazar

2. Tenants are Struggling; New York Needs Good Cause Eviction Now - by Julia Salazar & Jose Lopez

3. Who is NYC Chief Technology Officer Matthew Fraser and Will He Deliver What’s Desperately Needed? - by Devin Balkind

4. Mayor Adams, If NYC Schools are ‘Segregated Intentionally,’ Why Increase Segregation with More Admissions Screening? - by Christopher Bonastia

5. New York’s Housing Crisis is Worse Than Ever; It’s Time to Send in the Cavalry - by Jolie Milstein

6. How the Next Phase of the Second Avenue Subway Can Build a Better East Harlem - by Nicholas Dagen Bloom

7. Better Managing Public Space is Key to New York City’s Recovery - by Elizabeth Goldstein, Benjamin Prosky & Jackson Chabot

8. Who’s To Blame for Our NYC Teacher Health Care Debacle? - by Arthur Goldstein

9. Don't Believe the Hype; Bail Reform is Good Policy and Good Politics - by Jason Ortiz

10. Democrats Must Deliver for Asian-American Voters or Risk Losing More of Them - by Grace Lee & Trip Yang

11. Crypto-Mining is Gobbling Up New York's Precious Renewable Energy - by Charles Komanoff

12. It’s Time to Deliver Our Neighborhoods from Illegal Commercial Truck Parking - by Linda Lee, Nantasha Williams & Selvena Brooks-Powers

13. I Had A No-Cost Childbirth, Other New York Moms Should Be Able To Do The Same - by Shaunte Turner

14. Latinos, Hochul, and the 2022 Election for New York Governor - by Eli Valentin

15. How Our Parks Can Save Our City - by Shekar Krishnan

16. How ‘Gifted and Talented’ Shows the Failures of One Man Rule of Our Schools - by NeQuan McLean

17. We Don’t Need a ‘Plan B,’ Mayor Adams; New York City Needs You to Shut Rikers Down - by Yonah Zeitz

18. New York Must Brace for a Recession; Where Things Stand and What Comes Next - by Jim Brennan

19. The MTA Must Fix Its Defective Assessment of Congestion Pricing - by Charles Komanoff

20. New York Universities, It’s Time to Tear Down That Wall - by Brian Martindale

Have an op-ed idea or submission for Gotham Gazette? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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