Ben Max, left, of Gotham Gazette, and Jarrett Murphy, right, of City Limits
November 27, 2017 - Max & Murphy: Previewing De Blasio's Second Term
Max & Murphy discuss the next steps for recently re-elected Mayor Bill de Blasio, who, as his second term gets going, will surely be dealing with some cabinet changes and will have to navigate the election of the next City Council Speaker. De Blasio's 2018 will also include a variety of complex city issues, from transit to schools, the effort to close Rikers Island jails, and much more; and federal and state-level elections. We break it all down in a fast 20-minute conversation for this episode.
Listen to the full conversation and let us know what you think -- we're on Twitter @TweetBenMax and @jarrettmurphy. You can listen to the episode through the embedded audio below or download the episode wherever you get your podcasts.
by Ben Max, Gotham Gazette
@tweetBenMax @GothamGazette