Focus on Economic Rebuilding


Economic Impact of the Attacks
Our collection of reports about the economic impact of September 11.
Gotham Gazette Articles
9/11 Money Troubles (02/03/03)
As authorities draw closer to deciding on a final design for Ground Zero, some wonder whether there is money to make any of the lofty plans a reality. Despite federal aid, the money problems 9/11 created continue to multiply. Families of victims say the federal funds set aside to compensate them are being distributed unfairly. Downtown businesses say they have not received the help they need. Politicians fight over the rebuilding funds. Can the city untangle the confusion and get the money it needs?
Housing Downtown (10/06/02)
A debate is growing about what
kind of housing should be built downtown. Washington
gave the city $1.6 billion in bonds to spend on housing in
lower Manhattan, and many say the aid should be used to
counter New York City's affordable housing shortage. Gov.
Pataki and others say requiring a significant percentage of
apartments be set aside for low and middle income New
Yorkers may mean nothing gets built.
Transcript of Live Chat About Housing (10/06/02)
Read a transcript of our live chat with
Ron Shiffman of the Pratt Institute Center for Community and
Environmental Development and Frank Braconi, executive director
of the non-profit research organization Citizens Housing and
Planning Council.
Transcript of Online Debate About Economic Rebuilding After 9/11 (09/30/02)
Read the transcript of the online discussion featuring Bettina Damiani
of Good Jobs New York and Steve Malanga of the City Journal, where they talked about how federal funds should be spent for
rebuilding downtown, whether or not there should be housing at Ground Zero, and other issues of economic rebuilding.
City Budgeting After September 11 (09/10/02)
Glenn Pasanen writes about the two major consequences for New York City budgeting:
exacerbating the problems New York City already had with the budget deficit, and the
decline of democratic decision-making in the budget process while issues of downtown
redevelopment are explored.
What's the Formula for Prosperity? (08/12/02)
The latest Bloomberg administration idea to
attract jobs and investment to New York City is a land swap that
would give up two city airports in exchange for city control of the
World Trade Center site. Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor for
Economic Development Daniel Doctoroff are also jockeying to play host to
the Olympics and build a new stadium on the West Side. A look at the
pros and cons of these and other Bloomberg administration moves to
restore New York's economy.
The Impact of Terrorism on New York City Finances - October 2001
Glenn Pasanen, director of CityProject, takes a look
at what the September 11 attacks mean for the city government's finances.
Latest News
As Charitable Funds Expire, Questions About Long-Term Needs Remain - Sep 9, 2004
An astonishing $3 billion was raised to help the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and nearly all that money has been spent, the bulk of it handed over in cash grants, some without regard to financial need. Three years later, some are wondering whether this was the best way to make use of this unprecedented charitable windfall.
(New York Times )
Trade Center Veterans Plan Cooperative Restaurant - Sep 7, 2004
Memory can make a bitter dish, but a group of 50 waiters, cooks and busboys who once worked at the Windows on the World restaurant are intent on honoring 73 colleagues who died when the twin towers collapsed by opening what may be New York's first cooperatively owned restaurant.
(New York Times )
Cantor Fitzgerald Sues Saudi Arabia Over 9/11 - Sep 4, 2004
Cantor Fitzgerald, the brokerage firm that lost 658 employees in the Sept. 11 attack, has sued Saudi Arabia, charging that the kingdom "provided funding and material support and substantial assistance" to Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.
(New York Times )
September 11 Fund Prepares to Close - Aug 31, 2004
The September 11th Fund will close in December, having awarded more than $500 million in grants to 100,000 people affected by the 2001 terrorist attacks.
(Associated Press)
9/11 Aid for Small Businesses Going Unused - Aug 30, 2004
With four months remaining in a 9/11 program intended to pour $155 million into small businesses that move to or stay in Lower Manhattan, a third of the money remains to be awarded or pledged.
(New York Times )
Religious Group Call for More Aid to 9/11 Victims, Families - Aug 30, 2004
A local religious organization says it wants more help for victims and families of 9/11.
Comptroller Warns of Shortfall in Federal 9/11 Aid - Aug 25, 2004
Comptroller William Thompson asserted Tuesday that the city may not receive as much as $5.2 billion in World Trade Center aid. In a report issued days before the start of the Republican National Convention here, Thompson says the funding is in jeopardy because of long-term delays and a "failure to monitor the progress" of parts of the aid package.
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