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9/11 Anniversary is Marked Around the Country - Sep 12, 2004
They gathered at a hole in the ground in Lower Manhattan, a lonely patch of earth in rural Pennsylvania and a spot near the healed breach in the seat of military power, the Pentagon. The crowds were smaller than in past years, the grief perhaps muffled a bit by the gauze that time weaves over raw wounds, as hundreds drew close to the sites of the worst terrorist attack in United States history yesterday to remember and mourn those lost three years earlier, on Sept. 11, 2001.
(New York Times )
As 9/11 Slips into the Past, New York Pauses to Mark Anniversary - Sep 12, 2004
With broken voices and shattered hearts, parents of 9/11 victims read the litany of the lost at the World Trade Center site yesterday to mark the third anniversary of the terror attacks. But the constant noise of traffic on the adjacent West Side Highway was a reminder of how, for many in New York and the nation, the horrors of 9/11 have begun to slip into the past.
(New York Daily News)
Quotes from 9/11 Commemoration - Sep 12, 2004
"There's no other place to be. It's just a place to reconnect. This is where he was last." -- Anne Allen of Fort Lee, N.J., who lost her brother, Salvatore Pepe, and was at the ground zero memorial.
(Newsday )
Some Mourning 9/11 Losses Avoid Ground Zero - Sep 12, 2004
Recent interviews with more than 300 relatives of those killed on September 11, 2001 found that scores have not been to ground zero since the attacks. They have their own reasons: dread. Privacy, a feeling at odds with something as public as a ceremony shown live on television. Anger at officials they believe did not do enough to prevent the attacks. Fear, among some who do not live in Manhattan, of going to the place that was forever changed and that forever changed them.
(New York Times )
9/11 Families Make What May Be Last Trip to Ground Zero - Sep 12, 2004
Relatives of those who died at the World Trade Center walked seven stories down to the bedrock yesterday, knowing the descent to the hallowed ground may be their last.
(New York Daily News)
Fresh Tear on Third Anniversary of Attacks - Sep 12, 2004
Thousands of weeping mourners, four dramatic moments of silence and one gut-wrenching recitation of the names of the dead combined yesterday at Ground Zero to somberly mark the third anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
(New York Post )
Firefighter Honor Those Killed on 9/11 - Sep 12, 2004
Quiet ceremonies honoring the hundreds of firefighters killed at the World Trade Center were held across the city yesterday, as a large number of Bravest chose to mourn the third anniversary of 9/11 away from Ground Zero.
(New York Post )
Honoring Coworkers Killed On 9/11, Restaurant Workers Plan New Eatery - Sep 12, 2004
Windows on the World staffers gather at Pier 25 yesterday to honor their 73 fallen co-workers. They plan to open a new eatery.
(New York Post )
New Yorkers Who Left After 9/11 Return Home - Sep 12, 2004
New Yorkers who fled the city after 9/11 are returning, some to within a stone's throw of Ground Zero.
(New York Post )
Claims Linger for 9/11 Victims - Sep 12, 2004
Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently proclaimed the city "back in business," three years after the devastating World Trade Center attack of Sept. 11, 2001. Still, few New Yorkers would deny the lingering effects of the attacks.
(Newsday )
Suspending Campaigns, Kerry, Bush Mark 9/11 Anniversary - Sep 12, 2004
On a day reserved for remembrance, President Bush and Sen. John Kerry stepped off the campaign trail Saturday to mark the three-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks with warm words for the victims' families.
(Chicago Tribune )
For New Yorkers Not Directly Affected by Attack, Life Goes on - Sep 12, 2004
As the nation mourned the deaths of close to 3,000 people, many New Yorkers were out and about. During the precessions at ground zero, NY1's Itay Hod grabbed a camera and took to the streets to check out how some New Yorkers are spending this anniversary.
Staten Island Memorial Unveiled - Sep 12, 2004
Rounding out a long and intense day of events marking the third anniversary of 9/11, a memorial to Staten Island victims was dedicated on the borough's waterfront at the ferry terminal across the harbor from the Trade Center site.
600 Sue Over Health Problems From Ground Zero Cleanup - Sep 12, 2004
More than 600 people have filed a class-action lawsuit contending they suffered health problems from the cleanup of the World Trade Center, officials said yesterday.
(New York Daily News )
Laughing and Crying, Grieving Family of a Firefighter Moves On - Sep 12, 2004
She remained bliss fully serene until she repeated her husband's last words before 9/11 took him away.
(New York Post )
9/11 Widow Expecting a New Child - Sep 12, 2004
Today, Star, who moved to Florida with her young daughter to escape this place, badly wanted to return. Only now, she can't. Star had two very good reasons for missing the third anniversary ceremony of the World Trade Center atrocity: First, the approach of Hurricane Ivan made it impossible for her to get a flight. Second, Star, now 24, is just a month away from giving birth.
(New York Post )
Woman Who Witnessed 9/11 Marries on Attack's Third Anniversary - Sep 12, 2004
Catherine Wragg and John Fulbrook are all smiles outside St. Patrick's Cathedral, where they got married yesterday — three years after she saw the towers fall near her workplace. Julie Stapen On Sept. 11, 2001, Catherine Wragg watched the Twin Towers come down from the window of the downtown insurance company where she's vice president of human resources.
(New York Post )
Widow of Firefighter Resents Political Use of Attacks - Sep 12, 2004
She is the former Carla Dennis and she is 38 and she had a real marriage with her firefighter. Now she lives with her two kids in Manhattan. She did not join any group of widows because she felt 9/11 was being used by the worst politicians and beliefs.
(Newsday )
Police Officers Honor Those Killed on 9/11 - Sep 12, 2004
Three years later their duty as police officers remains the same, but their lives have drastically changed.
Families Mark Third Anniversary of 9/11 at Ground Zero - Sep 11, 2004
With quavering voices, parents and grandparents of those killed at the World Trade Center slowly read the names of the victims early Saturday to mark the third anniversary of the attacks that brought down the twin towers. Moments of silence were observed at 8:46 and 9:03 a.m., the times two planes slammed into the trade center towers on Sept. 11, 2001, and at 9:59 and 10:29, when the two towers collapsed.
(Associated Press)
Pain Still Fresh for 9/11 Families - Sep 11, 2004
The first year they were numb. The second they gathered enough strength to pull what was left of their families together. Now it's the third anniversary and the anguish of life forever without their husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, children and grandchildren has become painfully real.
(New York Daily News)
With Constant Reminders, Children of 9/11 Victims Grow up Grieving - Sep 11, 2004
For all the dark assumptions and the outpouring of sympathy and money, the children of the victims of 9/11 receded from public view. Their families protected them. Journalists shied away from them. Social workers struggled to find them. And psychotherapists confronted a novel clinical challenge: how to treat children who have suffered a loss so brutally intimate yet spectacularly public. Only now is a portrait of these children emerging.
(New York Times )
As Deadline Approached, A Rush to Sue Over 9/11 - Sep 11, 2004
A deadline yesterday for lawsuits related to the Sept. 11 attacks prompted a rush to the New York federal courthouse where all such suits have been filed.
(New York Times )
Fundraising For Memorial Has Yet to Begin - Sep 11, 2004
Eight months after the World Trade Center memorial design was unveiled, Gov. Pataki and Mayor Bloomberg have yet to find a prominent person willing to lead the foundation that's raising the money to build it.
(New York Daily News)
With a Collage of 9/11 Audio Clips, Artists Create a Ground Zero Walking Tour CD - Sep 11, 2004
From the hundreds of calls and audio clips they collected, the Kitchen Sisters created "The Sonic Memorial Project," created from hundreds of phone calls and audio clips related to 9/11, has been turned into an audio walking tour of the Trade Center site: "Ground Zero: A Sonic Memorial Soundwalk."
(New York Times )
Marking 9/11's Anniversary on City Island - Sep 11, 2004
New York has its ends of the earth, odd little places so psychically removed from the rest of the city that they barely heed the urban scat. Places like City Island, that Bronx curio of a community lingering like an afterthought in the chop and sway of the Long Island Sound. But it is the second week in September, the third anniversary, and remote City Island is still New York City.
(New York Times )
New Images Give Best View Yet of Future Ground Zero Development - Sep 11, 2004
A stunning new look of the future World Trade Center site was unveiled yesterday, complete with the world's tallest building, a poignant memorial to the victims of the terror attacks, and a striking new cultural complex and rail station.
(New York Post )
Couple Who Met on 9/11 Remembers Worst, Best Day of Their Lives - Sep 11, 2004
For Jason Newberg and Jennifer Elias, Sept. 11 remains one of the worst days of their lives — and one of the best. That's because, just hours after the Twin Towers crashed to the ground, they met for the first time — and quickly fell in love.
(New York Post )
Omens Lead 9/11 Widow to New Love - Sep 11, 2004
Brave Kellie Lee beams with joy as she reveals she has finally found love again — three years after her husband died in the 9/11 terror attacks.
(New York Post )
Midwestern Parents of 9/11 Victim Are Now Linked to New York - Sep 11, 2004
Andrea Haberman was not a New Yorker. She was a 25-year-old Wisconsinite turned Chicagoan who came to New York for the first time on a business trip on Sept. 10, 2001. She was murdered 10 hours later by al Qaeda at Carr Futures on the 92nd floor of One World Trade Center. Three years on, Andrea's parents, Gordon and Kathy, and her younger sister, Julie, are forever linked with New York and with New Yorkers.
(New York Post )
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