Gotham Gazette

The Place for New York Policy and politics

Title X

Title X

  • Deadline Approaching to Protect Title X and Our Right to Critical Health Care

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    (photo: @PPact)

    If it were not for Planned Parenthood, I’m not sure where I would have gotten critical health care services that I needed. And now, the Trump-Pence administration is trying to take that access away.

    The Trump-Pence Administration recently announced a proposed new rule on the Title X federal family planning program designed to make it impossible for patients like me to get birth control or preventive care from reproductive health care providers like Planned Parenthood.

    With the resignation of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy and the nomination of Brett

  • Trump Administration Attacks on Title X Could Result in Even More Deceptive Women’s Health Clinics

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    Comptroller Stringer with Planned Parenthood (photo via @NYCComptroller)

    The Trump-Pence administration just took aim at the Title X program—the nation’s long-standing program for affordable birth control and other sexual and reproductive health care that more than four million people nationwide, including 150,000 New Yorkers, rely on each year.

    The administration issued a new call for funding applications that radically changes the program's priorities—and that will shift funding away from expert sexual and reproductive health care
