Gotham Gazette

The Place for New York Policy and politics



  • Taking Mental Health Care in New York City to the Next Level

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    Mental health first responders via B-HEARD

    Last week, the New York City Council voted to amend the City Charter to establish the Mayor’s Office of Community Mental Health as a permanent part of our city government. The vote comes at a critical time – as New Yorkers continue to feel the long-lasting mental health consequences of the pandemic.

    The vote is also the culmination of years of work. In the wake of decades of state and federal neglect that left too many people without the mental healthcare they need, New York City became

  • Letter to the Editor: Keeping 911 in the City’s Mental Health Emergency Response

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    Emergency (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)

    To the editor:

    Last week, I joined the final day of training for the new teams who will soon begin responding to 911 mental health calls in East Harlem and Harlem. Through this pilot program - the Behavioral Emergency Response Assistance Division or B-HEARD - mental health professionals will be part of 911 response for the first time in New York City history. It's part of our commitment as a city to treat mental health crises as issues of public health, not public

  • This Holiday Season, Mental Health Support is Here for New Yorkers

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    Mental health care workers (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayor's Office)

    The holidays can be an emotionally-charged time and bring up mixed feelings that may include stress, grief, and loneliness and also feelings of joy, gratitude, and hope for the new year, sometimes all at the same time.   

    But this year is filled with new challenges — so many New Yorkers have experienced significant losses and will celebrate the holidays differently than in past years. Health care providers and other essential workers have been on the front lines of a global

  • Saving Lives from Domestic Violence

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    City Hall in purple (photo: Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office)

    One survivor used the word “red” in telephone calls with her best friend when she and her children were in trouble. A family living with an abuser placed a photo in a window visible from the street – when the photo was not visible it meant they were in trouble. Another survivor signaled for help with a special knock on the wall shared with a next-door neighbor.

    As a domestic violence survivor said in “When Staying Home Isn’t Safe,” one of

  • City Council Questions De Blasio's Priorities at First Executive Budget Hearing

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    Mayor de Blasio & Speaker Johnson (photo: Ed Reed/Mayor's Office)

    With the city facing a severe budget crunch because of the coronavirus pandemic, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s executive budget proposal released last month cut $6 billion in planned spending, tapped $4 billion from reserves and delayed major capital investments to future years when another mayor will be in office. On Wednesday, about eight weeks before a deal must be reached between the two sides, the City Council held a virtual hearing on the mayor’s spending plan. Council members questioned de Blasio administration

  • ThriveNYC Looks to Turn Corner with New Outcome-Focused Data

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    Chirlane McCray, leader of ThriveNYC (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)

    First Lady Chirlane McCray’s signature mental health initiative ThriveNYC has faced withering criticism for spending hundreds of millions of dollars with few concrete results to show for it. But amid increasing scrutiny the de Blasio administration is seeking to put those concerns to rest as the Office of ThriveNYC for the first time releases detailed data tracking the outcomes of dozens of programs that have been launched under the Thrive

  • Bloomberg Watch; De Blasio Mental Health Conference; NYPD Body Camera Hearing; & More: The Week Ahead in New York Politics, November 18

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    New York City Hall

    What to watch for this week in New York politics:

    This week begins with renewed examination of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg's record on policing, particularly his administration's overuse of stop-and-frisk tactics that resulted in a court ruling of unconstitutionality based on racial profiling, and, more than six years later, ...

  • De Blasio’s Promised ‘Comprehensive Strategy’ for City Response to People in Mental Health Crisis is Well Behind Schedule

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    Community Access members rally at City Hall (photo: @ca_nyc)

    A task force empaneled by Mayor Bill de Blasio to recommend how city government, particularly the police department, can better respond to emotionally disturbed people in crisis has yet to release its report, about 10 months after its work was to be concluded.

    Calls from community leaders and activists have grown, but the “NYC Crisis Prevention and Response Task Force” remains largely silent, leading advocates and elected officials to wonder why the issue isn’t a higher priority for a city that has

  • ‘Nobody Should Enter the Criminal Justice System for Something Related to Mental Illness’

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    Chirlane McCray on Rikers Island (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayor's Office)

    A rising number of 911 calls to report emotionally disturbed persons, several fatal encounters between police officers and people with serious mental illness, and an increasing percentage of seriously mentally ill people among those detained in city jails have all raised questions about how New York City and State provide care for those suffering from the most serious mental illnesses.

    These questions and concerns don’t have easy answers. The city’s public

  • ThriveNYC to Implement New Performance Tracking System Focused on Outcomes

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    Chirlane McCray (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayor's Office)

    Following repeated criticism about spending hundreds of millions of dollars with unclear outcomes, ThriveNYC, First Lady Chirlane McCray’s signature mental health initiative, is now publishing nearly 100 metrics to track the performance of dozens of programs that have been launched in the last three years.

    The metrics, provided to

  • Where We Work, ThriveNYC is Helping Families and Getting Homeless Children to School

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    Chirlane McCray (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)

    Questions have been raised recently about the cost and achievements of the ThriveNYC mental health initiative. This is no surprise: big, high-profile, efforts like ThriveNYC have always been susceptible to such criticisms.

    But ThriveNYC is just the unifying umbrella of more than 40 different pilot programs attempting to deliver innovative mental health interventions across multiple city agencies. Organizing these disparate efforts into one initiative helped get resources for

  • Now ‘Resetting,’ Chirlane McCray’s $850 Million Mental Health Program Has A Lot Riding On It

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    Chirlane McCray, with Bill de Blasio looking on (photo: Benjamin Kanter/Mayor's Office)

    On a sunny Wednesday morning in November 2015, more than 30 of New York City’s top public officials gathered together in East Harlem. They stood shoulder-to-shoulder and tiered in three rows on the ground floor of the City University of New York’s school of social work. An audience of hospital administrators, business leaders, mental health advocates and journalists watched from folded seats.

    Chirlane McCray, wife of New York City Mayor Bill de

  • Max & Murphy Podcast: First Lady Chirlane McCray

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    Ben Max, left, of Gotham Gazette, and Jarrett Murphy, right, of City Limits

    March 26, 2018 - Max & Murphy Podcast: New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray

    Chirlane McCray

    New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray is leading the city's ThriveNYC mental health care plan and its many component programs, serving as Chair of the Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City, and providing guidance as her

  • Part of ThriveNYC, NYCHA Trains Staff in Mental Health First Aid

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    NYCHA community gathering at Queensbridge (Pete Mikoleski/NYCHA flickr) 

    At a recent training session, just over 35 New York City Housing Authority staff members assembled at the authority’s downtown offices last Thursday. The course, which included eight topics, was part of the city’s ThriveNYC mental health care plan, one piece of which is 2,000 NYCHA employees receiving mental health care training so that they can more carefully and helpfully interact with public housing residents who may be experiencing mental health challenges.

    The eight

  • City Resets First Budget Hearing for New Veterans Affairs Department

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    photo: Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office

    In December, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law the City Council bill creating a separate, dedicated Veterans Affairs department which would take over responsibility from the Mayor’s Office of Veterans Affairs (MOVA) in handling services for more than 200,000 military veterans living in New York City.

    By law, the new department will be official on April 10 and the fiscal year 2017 budget being negotiated between the de Blasio administration and the City Council will

  • City Council to Begin Public Examination of Mayor's Budget

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    Mayor de Blasio briefs Council members on his FY17 budget (William Alatriste)

    On Tuesday, the City Council will hold the first of many preliminary budget hearings on Mayor Bill de Blasio’s initial fiscal year 2017 spending plan, part of a months-long negotiation process that will end in June when the City Council and the Mayor must agree upon a budget for fiscal year 2017.

    First in general terms, then agency by agency, the Council will ask de Blasio

  • As Council Begins Oversight, McCray Reports Progress in Mental Health Roadmap Implementation

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    Chirlane McCray & Richard Buery testify (photo: William Alatriste)



    At a Jan. 28 oversight hearing held by the Committee on Mental Health, First Lady Chirlane McCray testified before the City Council for the first time, updating the Council on the city’s progress implementing its new
