Gotham Gazette

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New York Independent Redistricting Commission

New York Independent Redistricting Commission

  • New York’s 2020 Census Victory - How It Happened & What’s Next

    people schom research

    NYC Census efforts (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)

    Despite concerns that the 2020 Census count in New York City would reflect a major minority undercount and leave out people who left because of the pandemic, we came out on top.

    The results of the Census were outstanding for the region. After decades of alleged Census undercounts, the New York City saw its population grow by 7.7% since 2010.

    And it’s even more remarkable given unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic and the Trump administration.

  • New York Redistricting Process Heads Into Map-Drawing Phase

    statedwide public meeting

    (l-r) Top: Ivelisse Cuevas-Molina, Ross Brady & Jack Martins; Middle: John Flateau & David Imamura; Bottom: John Conway

    New York's legislative redistricting commission is moving into its next phase following a series of public hearings intended to get a sense of the contours of "communities of interest," a new criteria being incorporated into the line-drawing process for the first time this cycle, in addition to constitutional and statutory requirements.

    The commission, itself a nascent entity, held nine

  • Downstate Population Gains Mean State Legislature Power Shift No Matter Who Draws New District Lines

    senate limited numbers

    New York State Senate (photo: NY Senate Media Services)

    The United States Census released the nation’s population data by congressional and state legislative district on August 12, setting underway the re-districting of legislative seats, controlled by each individual state. The process will now unfold in New York and around the nation, with control of the House of Representatives and state legislatures on the line.

    Having served in the New York State Legislature for 32 years, I went through three redistrictings, in 1992, 2002, and

  • New York Redistricting Commission Kicks Off State's New Map-Drawing Process

    Gotham Gazette:

    NY State Senate Districts (image via Google Maps)

    This year state officials will begin the once-a-decade process of redrawing congressional and state legislative district lines under a new system approved by voters back in 2014.

    The lines will be drawn by a commission appointed by Democratic and Republican leaders in the state Legislature rather than by the Legislature itself. After a series of public hearings this summer and fall the commission will submit its proposed maps to the Legislature, which can either approve the lines or reject and ultimately redraw them. The latter
