Gotham Gazette

The Place for New York Policy and politics

Matt Sollars

Matt Sollars

  • Removal of Last Primary Opponent Could Cost Malliotakis

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    GOP mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis (photo: @NMalliotakis)

    After Michel Faulkner shifted his mayoral campaign to one for comptroller and real estate executive Paul Massey suspended his altogether, State Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis' campaign began referring to her as "the presumptive Republican nomee in the race for Mayor." Still, the only thing standing between Malliotakis and the GOP nomination was wealthy businessman Rocky De La Fuente, a candidate who recently relocated from California.

    That hurdle was removed on Tuesday, when

  • For 2017 Effect, Time Running Out for Campaign Finance Bills in Limbo

    MMV hearing flag mic

    above: Melissa Mark-Viverito; below: Ben Kallos (photos by William Alatriste)

    New York City’s campaign finance system, particularly its public matching funds program, is considered a national model, and it stays that way by being regularly updated and modernized. The Campaign Finance Board issues reports following each election analyzing ways to plug holes in the system and bolster the already-robust provisions of the relevant law.

    But, the next city election cycle, in 2017, may come and go without any

  • New York's Unique Campaign Finance Ecosystem

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    Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito (photo: Joyce Choi Li)

    New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has been the subject of much speculation of late. She is the most powerful member of the Council and influential in politics beyond the city. As a woman of Puerto Rican descent she represents a voting bloc that is woefully underrepresented in New York elected offices. She also maintains a busy travel schedule and ties to a wide swath of
