Gotham Gazette

The Place for New York Policy and politics

Luis Sepulveda

Luis Sepulveda

  • It’s Time for Parole Reform in New York; Here are the First Three Steps

    victor della plaza hotel rally

    (photo: The Release Aging People in Prison Campaign)

    For years, advocates, community members, and New York State lawmakers have worked to change our state’s unfair, biased, and harmful criminal legal system. We came together as supporters of common sense, cost-saving reforms that would benefit all New Yorkers. But our efforts were stymied by a political landscape that prevented us from making these important changes.

    Now that landscape is different and the power dynamics in the state Legislature have shifted, it is time for

  • New York Needs to Restore Access to Driver’s Licenses for All in 2019

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    a rally for driver's licenses for all (photo: Make The Road New York)

    For many New Yorkers who cannot access public transportation and need to drive, a routine traffic stop can lead to something much worse than a ticket; it can lead to deportation. That’s why restoring equal access to driver’s licenses for all New Yorkers is not controversial, it is a necessity.

    All over the state, immigrants need to go to work, school, and attend doctor’s appointments, but in places like upstate New York, Long Island, and parts of New York City, a lack of public
