Gotham Gazette

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LaGuardia Airport

LaGuardia Airport

  • AirTrain LaGuardia is Economic Stimulus New York Needs to Turn The Corner

    airtrain laguardia rendering via abetterwaytolga

    Rendering of the Airtrain LaGuardia (photo: A Better Way to LGA )

    When it comes to rebuilding an economy mired in crisis, my brothers and sisters in the Building and Construction Trade unions have been on the front lines time and time again. We know that building back our economy always begins with building up our infrastructure better than before. And today is no different.

    AirTrain LaGuardia is a perfect example of an infrastructure project that can lead the way in putting New York City

  • Airport Noise Footprint Exposed, Path to Mitigation Unclear

    laguardia map

    Hope Marina regretted it as soon as she bought her house in northern Queens.

    “When I moved here, I used to cry,” Marina said. “I said to my husband, ‘Oh no, we can’t stay here, we have to look for someplace else.’ So, he said, ‘Don’t worry, honey, you’ll get used to it.’ But he used to work on an aircraft carrier, he slept right on the landing deck and he didn’t hear anything.”

    The Marinas’ home is 1,500 feet away from one of the two runways of LaGuardia Airport, where there are over 1,000 airplane take-offs and landings every day. When they fly over the Marinas’ home in
