Gotham Gazette

The Place for New York Policy and politics

Ken Sherrill

Ken Sherrill

  • Bill de Blasio Versus NIMBYism

    BdB town hall queens miller

    Mayor de Blasio at a town hall (photo: Ed Reed/Mayor's Office)

    In recent weeks, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s policies have run up against an age-old forces of inertia and resistance in the city, especially one that springs forth in policy debates on everything from housing to bike lanes to school desegregation and even closing down Rikers Island jails. That force -- NIMBY or Not In My Back Yard-ism -- has taken distinct forms on different issues, but has been causing the de Blasio administration trouble and frustrating the mayor. At

  • Investigations Paint Picture of City Hall Mismanagement

    BdB Shorris NYCTransition

    Mayor de Blasio & First Deputy Mayor Shorris in 2013 (photo: @NYCTransition)

    Two recent reports on City Hall’s role in the questionable lifting of deed restrictions on a nursing home property issued scathing indictments of both process and personnel in the de Blasio administration. They revealed mismanagement and miscommunication that belies Mayor Bill de Blasio’s own attempts to portray City Hall and its agencies as well-oiled machines that deliver swift and efficient services to the people of New York.
