Gotham Gazette

The Place for New York Policy and politics



  • 10 Great NYC Debate Moments

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    Quinn, Liu, de Blasio, Albanese (from 2013)

    Debates have been an invaluable part of political discourse and elections for centuries. The face-to-face interactions between candidates reveal a lot about their character, policies, and ability to perform under pressure.

    Debates for citywide races in New York -- for Mayor, Comptroller, and Public Advocate -- have played no small part in helping New Yorkers decide which candidates best represent their interests. Ahead of the 2017 debates, which begin Wednesday with the first Democratic mayoral

  • Five Democrats Will Be On The Mayoral Ballot, But Only Two Will Debate

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    Mayoral candidate Robert Gangi (photo:@GangiForMayor)

    The first official debate in the Democratic mayoral primary is set for Wednesday, August 23, where Mayor Bill de Blasio will face former City Council Member Sal Albanese. But three more Democrats, all of whom will be on the September 12 ballot, failed to qualify for the debate and are crying foul that the Campaign Finance Board’s eligibility criteria are excluding them from

  • The 2017 City Election Debate Schedule Is Here

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    Debate announcement press conference (photo: @NYCCFB)

    The New York City Campaign Finance Board announced the debate schedule and sponsors for the 2017 citywide elections on Thursday afternoon. Debates will take place, given more than one qualifying candidate, for the primaries and general elections for Comptroller, Public Advocate, and Mayor.

    This year’s two “sponsor groups” are large and varied, with the first group including
