Gotham Gazette

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construction safety act

construction safety act

  • Construction Deaths in New York Increased During First Year of Pandemic, Report Shows

    (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)

    (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)

    The construction industry was more deadly to workers in New York in the first year of the pandemic than in the two years prior, reversing a multiyear decline in the statewide fatality rate, a new report shows.

    Forty-one workers were killed on construction sites in New York in 2020, including 13 in New York City, according to a report published Thursday

  • As Construction Sites Reopen, Access to Safety Training Must Too

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    Construction workers will be among the first back to work (photo: governor's office)

    In the blink of an eye, COVID-19 brought most of New York City’s construction industry to a halt, leaving thousands of hardworking individuals jobless and struggling to make ends meet. Fortunately, Governor Cuomo recently announced a phased plan to reopen the construction industry, which will create an increased demand for workers.

    But we can’t forget that as a requirement for employment in New York City’s industry, many construction workers and job applicants will need to complete additional

  • New York Construction Workers Remain at Risk Without Legislative Action

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    (photo: Kevin P. Coughlin/Governor's Office)

    With this year’s legislative session in full-swing in Albany, special interest groups have resumed their attacks on laws designed to keep workers safe on construction sites. Construction and insurance trade groups, seeking to shed accountability and pad their pockets, have argued that labor protections like the Scaffold Safety Law are somehow undermining worker safety. However, ...

  • Protecting Immigrant Workers in the City of Immigrants

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    (photo: NICE)

    Just last week, Juan Chonilla and another still unidentified worker died from construction accidents. These men were important members of our immigrant community. As one of the members of New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE), one of these men was family. These tragic deaths and severe injuries of multiple construction workers last week, on sites with safety violations, underscore the urgency for New York City to enact legislation that meets the needs of all workers.

    The City Council is currently considering a

  • Don’t Endanger Minority Jobs in Name of Construction Safety

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    Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, left, the author (photo: @BPEricAdams)

    It’s good to see our city engaged in a long-overdue discussion about safety on construction sites. “Safety first” is not mere sloganeering to me; nothing should top ensuring the health and welfare of every man and woman on every worksite.

    The City Council has tackled and passed a number of meaningful reforms in recent months, and there is certainly more to explore. However, New Yorkers have good reason to be concerned about a bill known as Intro. 1447, which would likely sideline

  • Life-Saving Legislation That Must Not Wait

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    Marti Speranza, the author, center (photo: @MartiSperanzaNY)

    The passage of the East Midtown Rezoning will lead to the construction of an estimated 16 buildings, six Subway projects, and many public spaces over the next 20 years. The plan utilizes density bonuses to incentivize developers to pay for transportation and public realm upgrades, while also empowering cash-strapped landmarks to capitalize on their air rights. All the stakeholders made compromises to reach the final deal, which will begin an era of restoring East Midtown to a globally

  • Don’t Make It Harder for Minority-Owned Businesses in the Construction Industry

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    Street redesign project in Brooklyn (photo:Ed Reed/Mayor's Office Flickr)

    After decades of work overcoming discrimination in the construction industry, minority- and women-owned businesses (M/WBEs) know that it is still very difficult for them to get a fair shake of opportunities. There is plenty of progress left to be made for black and brown contractors in a field historically dominated by white males. But the City Council is moving ahead with legislation that would turn back the clock on New York’s construction industry and send us back to a time when

  • The Role New York's Nonprofits Play in Construction Safety

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    Construction safety rally at City Hall (photo: @Local79NYC) 

    If it seems like there has been more attention on construction safety in the city recently, it’s for good reason. According to the New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health, between 2011 and 2015 the number of construction incidents that resulted in injury or death more than tripled. In the last four months, ...