Gotham Gazette

The Place for New York Policy and politics

community affairs

community affairs

  • Adams Consolidates City's Civic Engagement Efforts Under New Office

    Mayor Adams (photo: Benny Polatseck/Mayoral Photography Office)

    Mayor Eric Adams announced last month the creation of a new office consolidating the city’s various civic engagement bodies, as part of his ongoing effort to streamline the functions of city government and, he said, to more actively engage the public in civic life.

    The mayor’s new Office of Engagement, led by newly-appointed Chief Engagement Officer Betsy MacLean, now oversees various city entities that interact with New Yorkers to encourage their participation in government and politics: the mayor’s Community Affairs Unit

  • Max & Murphy Podcast: NYPD Chief Jeffrey Maddrey on Building Community Relationships

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    Chief Jeffrey Maddrey, right, at a community event (photo: @NYPDCommAffairs)

    July 8, 2020 - Max & Murphy Podcast: NYPD Chief Jeffrey Maddrey on Repairing Community Relations

    New NYPD Community Affairs Bureau Chief Jeffrey Maddrey joined the show to discuss his perspective on his new job, building relationships between the police and New Yorkers, stemming a spike in gun violence, moving school safety from his bureau to the Department of Education, and more.

    Listen to the conversation and let us know what you
