Gotham Gazette

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2016 Presidential election

2016 Presidential election

  • Attorney General Unveils Sweeping Voting Reform Package

    Schneiderman releases voting reform legislation

    Attorney General Schneiderman with voting reform advocates outside Federal Hall (photo: @AGSchneiderman)

    New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman unveiled an extensive voting reform package Wednesday that aims to streamline New York’s voter registration system, boost voter participation and increase voter turnout.

    Standing with elected officials, good government groups, union members, and voting reform advocates outside Federal Hall in Manhattan, Schneiderman released the legislation, called the ...

  • Successful Presidential Transitions Rely on Attitudes, Organization and Law

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    President-elect Trump & President Obama (photo: Trump on Facebook)

    President-elect Donald Trump visited The White House Thursday to discuss transition planning with President Barack Obama. While the election was just decided and it was Trump’s first public move in shifting from the campaign toward governing, the transition process has been underway for months -- both in the

  • Bill De Blasio and the Presidential Election That Didn’t Happen

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    Clinton & de Blasio at Inner Circle (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayor's Office)

    Just two weeks before Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders stepped into the 2016 presidential election with his uber progressive proposals that would eventually pull the Democratic Party to the left, Mayor Bill de Blasio stuck his foot in the door. The mayor’s attempt to seize the moment for national change was borne from his own electoral success in New York City and began in

  • Donald Trump Elected President in Big Night for GOP

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    President-Elect Donald Trump

    On a huge Election Day for Republicans, Donald Trump won the presidential election, the GOP kept control of both houses of Congress, and, here in New York, Republicans have increased their margin in the state Senate, the party’s last stronghold of statewide power.

    With a stunning show of support across the country, Trump and his vice presidential running mate Mike Pence won more states than expected and Trump will become the 45th President of the United States. Reports came in around 2:40 a.m. that Hillary

  • Could ‘Third Party’ Candidates Swing the Presidential Election?

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    Green Party candidate Jill Stein (photo via Facebook)

    With the Republican and Democratic parties having nominated presidential candidates with record-high unfavorability ratings, this election cycle is turning out to be a choice between a rock and a hard place for many voters. Some, though, are looking elsewhere and still-early polling shows that this November could yield near-record voting for so-called “third party” candidates.

    Those who oppose Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton say she’s an untrustworthy,

  • Can Trump Win New York? Inside the Numbers

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    Donald Trump & Mike Pence (photo via @GOP)

    Donald Trump’s nomination for President at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland was the culmination of a primary campaign that overturned precedent and defied expectations of the political class. Now, as he shifts his attention the general election, Trump has set his sights on another lofty goal, one which has been out of reach for Republicans for over two decades: winning New York, his home state.

    Recent polls, voter enrollment data, and primary turnout

  • New Yorkers, Including the Presidential Nominees, Head to the National Party Conventions

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    The RNC approaches (image via @GOPconvention)

    The next two weeks will see the formal nominations of the two major party candidates in the contest to succeed Barack Obama as President of The United States. First, this week, Republicans are expected to nominate Donald J. Trump, who on Saturday morning introduced Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate. On Saturday, Trump promised “we’re going to have an incredible convention.” The theme of the convention is "Make America Great Again," which has been Trump's campaign

  • After New Hampshire: Debates & Voting Dates Until New York

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    image via NYC Board of Elections

    On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump won their respective Democratic and Republican New Hampshire primaries by wide margins. This, after Sanders lost narrowly to Hillary Clinton and Trump lost to Ted Cruz in Iowa. On the Democratic side, there are only two candidates - Hillary Clinton came in second to Sanders in New Hampshire. For the Republicans, John Kasich came in second, adding a sense of momentum to his campaign.

    Now, there are 48 more states and the District of Columbia to vote before the primary season is over.

  • After Iowa: Debates & Voting Dates Until New York

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    Gov. Cuomo votes (photo via The Governor's Office on flickr)

    "There's a lot of states ahead," Mayor Bill de Blasio said on MSNBC late Monday night from Iowa, where he spent the weekend campaigning for Hillary Clinton in her bid to become the Democratic nominee and next President of the United States.

    And de Blasio is right - there are 49 more states and the District of Columbia to vote before the primary season is over. New York will be the 37th state to hold a vote when April 19 comes around.

    As de Blasio spoke, it was still

  • More Cities Should Do What States and Federal Government Aren't on Minimum Wage

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    Mayor de Blasio at his recent minimum wage announcement (photo: Michael Appleton)

    Early this month, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a guaranteed $15 minimum wage for all city government employees by the end of 2018. This is a big win for over 50,000 workers across the city struggling to provide for their families.

    Unlike in Seattle and Los Angeles, where city officials are empowered to raise the minimum wage for the entire workforce in their cities, Mayor de

  • Gotham Gazette 2016 Election Central

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    Vote Today (via The Governor's Office on Flickr)

    2016 is a big election year in New York. Not only is there a national Presidential election, but as is the case every two years, all of the New York State Legislature is on the ballot in 2016. New Yorkers have four - yes, four - election days this year if registered with one of the two major political parties and living in a district with competitive primaries. There were presidential primaries in April, congressional primaries in June, and state legislative primaries in September. Now, all
