A ribbon-cutting (photo: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)
In this episode, we discuss the issues of the economy and jobs, and key aspects of what candidates in the 2021 New York City elections are considering, should be asked by voters, and more.
Quanda Francis (photo: Francis campaign)
Quanda Francis, a Democrat running for Mayor in the 2021 election, joined MNN's "Decision NYC with Ben Max" for an in-depth discussion of her candidacy for the city's top job. This interview is part of a series produced by Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Watch:
Read more: Decision NYC: Quanda Francis Discusses Her Campaign for Mayor
Ray McGuire
Ray McGuire, a Democrat running for Mayor in the 2021 election, joined MNN's "Decision NYC with Ben Max" for an in-depth discussion of his candidacy for the city's top job. This interview is part of a series produced by Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Watch:
Read more: Decision NYC: Ray McGuire Discusses His Campaign for Mayor