The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was a disaster of catastrophic proportions.
Although we cannot know at this time the true extent of the economic damage caused by the attack, preliminary estimates of $40 to $60 billion have been made, and they may well prove to be low.
The City provides employment for about 3.8 million people and is home to two of America's top three office districts. Wall Street is the hometown industry of lower Manhattan; the twin towers of the World Trade Center had been its crown jewels. Tuesday, September11th changed that.
Thirty-two brokerage firms had offices there. So, too, did major international banks. Thousands of productive people are gone. The loss of these lives will mark family, friends, co-workers, and indeed, all New Yorkers forever. The sudden loss of their talent, energy, productivity, and earnings has already affected our colleagues and businesses. The loss of entire fire engine, ladder and rescue teams and scores of police and emergency workers have left us all stricken.
The economy, too, has taken a shock. The initial impact destroyed 15 million square feet of office space; with the collateral damage, the lost commercial space will be closer to 25-30 million square feet. It also destroyed two of the three electrical substations and substantial telecommunications switching equipment supplying downtown. The insurance costs of this disaster will be borne by firms headquartered a long way from Manhattan, including Munich Re, Swiss Re and Lloyds. Cleaning this up is estimated to cost about $1 billion.
In the immediate aftermath, some businesses are shuttered and thousands of jobs have been lost. How long this shock lasts and the ultimate costs on the strength of our private economy and our public revenues cannot be known now. Now, the question of confidence hangs over us. Will consumers keep spending and keep the economy out of recession? Will businesses return to lower Manhattan? Will visitors come?
Restoring the nation's confidence is being urgently addressed by all levels of government. Indeed, how well the City's economy will perform will depend on international, national, and industry-specific developments, of course. But it will also depend on the City's leadership. A Mayor must engender confidence that lower Manhattan will be rebuilt quickly, and that all steps will be taken to preserve the business and talent that existed in New York City on September 11.
The task before us is enormous, and attempting to put forth a detailed plan about exactly how we will rebuild New York at this time is both presumptuous and naˆñve because it fails to recognize that the government's initial role in this process is to provide a platform for experts to identify and resolve the many and varied issues presented by this challenge and because it assumes that a candidate for Mayor can, and should, resolve all those issues.
What a candidate for Mayor can do is articulate a vision, and present the framework and process by which we identify and resolve the issues needed to be resolved to attain our goals. That is what is done here.
Shortly after Election Day in November, I will convene a blue ribbon panel to devise the framework to address the recovery, rebuilding and economic implications of the disaster and guide the rebuilding process. I will propose creating a public benefit corporation, The New York Rebuilds Corporation, with extraordinary powers to deal with this unprecedented crisis. The New York Rebuilds Corporation will be a one-stop shopping source with significant financial resources, condemnation authority, and the power to resolve all land use issues and issue all necessary permits so construction can be commenced as soon as possible.
Our goal is to ensure that New York City retains the business and talent that flourished here on the morning of September 11. To do so, we will begin construction of lost office space immediately, and complete construction and rehabilitation of at least ten million square feet of office space within two years. The office space will include both back office space, which will be used in that function indefinitely, and prime office space, some of which will be converted to back office space as new prime space is built at the World Trade Center area. We must also address longer term objectives involving aspects of the City, including its transportation system, the need to decentralize office space, infrastructure, telecommunications, energy, and safety and security concerns.
Long Term Goals
From this tragedy, we have the opportunity to fundamentally shape the future of New York City. We must address key issues.
Transportation. A portion of the proceeds available from the state and federal government should be used to improve our mass transportation system, as well as our systems for transporting goods. Given the strains the attack put on the entire region that are being shouldered primarily by New York City, the time is appropriate to pursue regional payments, such as re-instituting the commuter tax and dedicating its revenue to the transportation needs of commuters in the City. Security concerns must cause us to rethink how trucking is conducted in New York City. To reduce the need for thousands of truck trips a day into and out of the City, we must rely on rail freight more as a way to transport goods. Therefore, designing, funding, and building a rail freight tunnel should be given a high priority. This was, after all, the founding mission of the Port Authority when it was created in 1921. Other large projects deserve our renewed attention and vigor, like the Second Avenue subway, east side access for LIRR trains, and extending the #7 subway line to the west side. Innovative suggestions like extending Metro-North trains south of Grand Central Terminal to downtown, and extending the LIRR line from Flatbush under the East River should be seriously evaluated. Policies should be implemented that will further facilitate the movement of buses in Manhattan. Reducing private car traffic in Manhattan has many positive aspects, from enviro! nmental to urban planning, in addition to security. Making permanent the recent ban on single occupant passenger cars from much of Manhattan should be considered. We should also return to the City's roots as a city on a harbor with extensive ferry service.
Decentralization. While lower Manhattan must be rebuilt to have a critical mass of finance and related industries, this is an opportunity to pursue much needed development opportunities in the City outside lower Manhattan, including the other four boroughs. Therefore, incentives in the form of direct subsidies or tax abatements should be put in place to build in areas outside lower Manhattan, including the boroughs outside Manhattan. The first priority should be to identify already existing buildings that simply need to be rehabilitated and modernized to provide prime office space almost immediately. The recent re-zoning of Long Island City provides an excellent opportunity to develop and decentralize. Downtown Brookly! n, the Hub in the Bronx, and Stapleton in Staten Island are other candidates. The "Commercial Development Strategy for New York City" developed by U.S. Senator Charles Schumer's Group of 35 provides one important development strategy to follow. This time also offers us a renewed opportunity to consider developing Governor's Island in a way that is environmentally sound.
Safety and Security. The panel will address safety and security needs of the City in light of the President's declared War on Terrorism. The panel will advise on the nature and location of command and control center(s) in the event of a disaster, natural or manmade. It will consider ways to increase everybody's personal sense of security without curtailing civil liberties. It will recommend ways to improve coordination among local, state, and federal authorities. It will advise on how the NYPD and FDNY can best contribute to the safety and security of the City given the new realities of the world. It will assess potential targets ! of terrorist attacks, our water system for example, and recommend how they can be strengthened, defended, and repaired in the event of a successful attack. It will evaluate the public health system's readiness to deal with the variety of issues that may be presented to it.
Telecommunications. The panel will assess our telecommunications infrastructure and advise how it can be defended, whether it needs to be further decentralized, and whether and how redundancies can be built into it so that an attack at one point will not disable vast swaths of the system.
Energy. Power plants must also be decentralized, in part to defend them from attack. However, we must find a way to decentralize our sources of power generation and transmission lines so that they will not eviscerate or place undue burdens on particular neighborhoods.
Planning Framework
a. A blue ribbon panel, chaired by the Mayor-elect, will convene shortly after Election Day to devise a blueprint for the real estate revitalization and economic recovery of New York City.
b. The panel will be comprised of leaders in the real estate, insurance, finance, and construction industries, as well as labor leaders. It will include representatives from all affected governmental units, including the City, state, and federal governments, and the Port Authority and MTA. It will also include leaders of the businesses that were housed in the World Trade Center, as well as institutional leaders in lower Manhattan (e.g. Downtown Alliance, the New York Federal Reserve, NYSE, NASDAQ, COMEX, etc.). We would expect that private industry would be prepared to make both immediate and generational commitments to New York City during th! is process.
c. The panel's mission is to report on what will be required to rebuild and revitalize the City by February 1, 2002.
d. The Panel will consider organize into task forces to assess and resolve all issues arising from the terrorist attack and the War on Terrorism, including:
Rebuilding Effort
The New York Rebuilds Corporation. The NYRC will plan, guide and be responsible for issuing all necessary permits for construction and resolving all zoning and other land use issues. It will be empowered to shorten the time for environmental review. It will have broad powers of condemnation and financing.
Short Term Goals
i. Construct or rehabilitate 10 million square feet of office space within two years.
ii. Provide "one stop shopping" to obtain financing, permitting, and all other needs to develop office space outside lower Manhattan.
iii. Assist the Port Authority and long-term lessee in rebuilding WTC site so that const ruction is completed within 4 years.
iv. Assess and address the collateral damage caused by the terrorist attack (e.g. Tourism, airport related industries, theater, restaurants, cultural institutions, etc.) and devise means to address the impact on affected businesses and industries.
Financing. While the total dollar amount of the damage remains unknown, what needs to be done is not. We need to (1) repair the direct damage from the attack, (2) construct millions of square feet of office space almost immediately, and (3) remodel the City to be configured for the 21st Century. New York City, even with the help of New York State, cannot do this alone. Because we suffered the first casualties in the War against America, America will help us. The federal government has agreed to pay the costs of clearing the World Trade Center site. We will also ask that it work with the Port Authority and provide substan! tial assistance to construct the rail freight tunnel. The commuter tax should be dedicated to funding the Second Avenue subway and decentralizing and improving the mass transportation system. The City and State will shoulder principal responsibility, in conjunction with the private sector, for funding costs to build the office space that is needed immediately. The Port Authority will bear primary responsibility for rebuilding its property at the World Trade Center.
Site Recovery Commission The parties involved will be those currently involved at the site: police, fire, construction and engineering trades, the Port Authority, and the MTA. Its mission is to remove debris, stabilize the site, and prepare for construction. It will also shore up infrastructure in the area. Work to be completed within one year.
The Memorial. We will build an appropriate memorial. Its ultimate design and scope should be the product of a civic discussion involving all interested parties, including survivors, victims' families and employers, residents, and the entire City. A competition should be established for the most appropriate design and location of the memorial.
I have shown this agenda for rebuilding New York City to some leaders in the usiness community, and their response has been very positive. Our goal is to restore confidence in New York City as a global marketplace and the world's destination.
Clearly, we have a monumental task on our hands. Until now, no Mayor has ever confronted a disaster of this size. And it will require us to rethink the financing of some of our investment priorities - the most obvious example being the re-working of our housing production plan, which in part relied upon funds from the sale of the World Trade Center.
But while our city is faced with the new, urgent priority of rebuilding our city, anyone who says that this would be their only priority fails to understand the full dimensions of the job.
While it's critical to rebuild our financial center, it's equally critical to rebuild our schools. While it's essential to house the businesses and residents displaced by the events of the past few weeks, it's equally important to house the working families of New York struggling to find an adequate and affordable place to live. While it is vital that we protect ourselves against the threats of terrorism, it's equally vital that we protect our children from the everyday threats on the streets of our city with more after-school programs. The towers of the World Trade Center have crumbled, but our commitments have not, and these will all be priorities for me as Mayor.
Working together - business and labor, civic leaders and academics, and representatives from the federal, state, and city governments - we WILL rebuild New York City - and build a brighter future for working families in every borough.
There is a clear need for the city, the state, and the federal governments to work together with the private sector to rebuild the devastated downtown. It is crucial that we do this quickly, to show the world that New York City is back in business. This is not a time for red tape or tangled bureaucracy. This city needs leaders who know the system well and who will be able to sidestep time-consuming hassles. Experience is now more vital than ever.
On September 11, we lost more than buildings, roads, and tunnels. We lost mothers and fathers, sons, and daughters, friends and heroes. The outpouring of support for the victims of the attack has been remarkable and is a testament to the greatness of this city and of this nation.
Millions have been donated to charitable funds, and the federal government has promised to provide tens of billions more. The people have made clear their desire to help. Now, we need to make sure that the victims are able to access the wide array of funds and programs that have been set up to aid them and that the help goes to the right place. For months, I have said that, as public advocate, I will help New Yorkers gain access to the benefits that are rightfully theirs. I can think of no better example of why this is so important.
The devastation of the September 11 attacks will have a lasting impact across the city. It has touched many of us personally and left deep and lasting physical and emotional scars. It has also left the city facing an unparalleled fiscal crisis. The city's economy, already suffering from the economic downturn, has been badly shaken by these tragic events. Today, the city faces a budget shortfall of $1 billion to $4 billion.
New York City has confronted other fiscal crises before and overcome them. In the 1970s, when the city was on the verge of bankruptcy, leaders of government, unions and the private sector came together to find solutions. I am proud of the role that my husband, Victor Gotbaum, played in resolving that crisis. I have learned from his experience, though, that we can only solve extraordinary problems with extraordinary measures.
We cannot simply tinker with programs and trim costs. We need to explore more innovative solutions and, once again, build an inclusive partnership to pull them off.
One of the great success stories of the past few years has been the transformation of the downtown area into a vibrant residential neighborhood. As we look to rebuild the commercial core, we should not neglect these displaced families. We must provide them with assurances that their apartments will be safe and livable and work to rebuild the infrastructure of retail stores, transportation and local institutions that made the neighborhood what it once was and will be again.
Over the next several years, as the mayor and other officials focus on these and other pressing issues, it will become more important than ever not to lose sight of the city's continuing needs. As public advocate, I will work hard to make sure that issues such as affordable housing, health care for our children and our families, and public education are not allowed to slip through the cracks. I will make certain that this tragedy doesn't make new victims.
Betsy Gotbaum is a former New York City parks commissioner and president of the New-York Historical Society and currently a candidate for public advocate. She will face Normal Siegel in a runoff election for the Democratic nomination on Oct. 11
What value is history after September 11? Very little if it is true, as we hear so often now, that nothing for us will ever be the same again. Of course, it is true that no New Yorker alive today will ever forget the bravery of those $30,000-a-year police officers and firefighters who never flinched or gave a thought to their own safety. These working people of New York City raced into the tower to save those who earned 10, 20, and 100 times what they earned. Some acts are sanctifying, forever transforming the Earth we stand on.
And yet, on the day after the tragedy, September 12, Donald Trump said he stood ready to build the world's tallest tower on that same ground, on the site of the World Trade Center. Some things, we can safely assume, will remain the same.
We also heard for a while that because of the crisis following September 11, the present occupant had to be allowed to continue in office. Until recently, the most cited poet of September 11 has been W.H. Auden. His "September 1st, 1939" seems to contain uncanny premonitions of our disaster: "The unmentionable odor of death/Offends the September night." Perhaps, though, it might be useful to recall his equally prescient contemporary Bertolt Brecht, who wrote, "Those who lead the country into the abyss call ruling too difficult for ordinary men."
If the tragedy of September 11 can be exploited politically, to promote a sense of total rupture with our history, it can also be abused by economic interests to stimulate the need for a false continuity with the past. The aim of the terrorists, we are told, was to destroy New York's position as the Global Capital. In this, naturally, they must not succeed. To defeat them, we must rebuild downtown in a way that is greater and better than ever before. Says the mayor, the new towers must be "very large." Globalization now more than ever.
But how are these authorities able to interpret exactly what the terrorists mean? How can they be so sure of their own interpretive powers?
Ultimately, what ought to determine our civic response is not what the terrorists mean, but what we mean; not their motivations and intentions but our common interests and needs. And our understanding of the origins of the World Trade Center may help us figure out what those are, and what to do now.
Again and again it is said that New York has become the "nerve center of global capitalism." Is this true? If so, how did we get there? Is downtown, and particularly the creation of the World Trade Center, a response in concrete and travertine to the city's increasing dependence on world trade?
The truth is, postwar downtown development has been hugely subsidized by the government, relying chiefly on state power and eminent domain in order to overcome market forces.
Prior to World War I, downtown had all three elements of a Central Business District: mass transit, so that employees could get to office buildings; an upper-class residential neighborhood to provide consumers for luxury shops; and private risk capital in office buildings. After World War II, it had none of them.
The location in midtown of two great railroad terminals isolated the downtown district and threatened its survival. In 1910, the Pennsylvania Railroad built a terminal at 34th Street and Seventh Avenue. Between 1903 and 1913, the New York Central developed Grand Central Station at 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. After having made a trip to midtown, commuters did not feel like making another one downtown. When leases expired, corporations and financial institutions began to move uptown. Downtown construction stopped dead. No major towers would be built there for almost half a century.
The city's real estate establishment expressed its concern in the 1920s. Their dilemma was obvious: Land owners could not move their land uptown to where the buildings and tenants had gone. How could they staunch the flow northward and get people and investment moving back downtown?
As early as 1921, the New York Times suggested moving the port of New York to Newark. Why? The port and its traffic created a clutter that depressed real estate values. So did manufacturing linked to the port.
The port had to go. More people had to come. In the 1920s, the Second Avenue Subway was planned to get more of the right people downtown. But while the Depression brought an unprecedented volume of federal funds, none came down for a Second Avenue subway. In 1941, it looked as if New York State would come through. Legislation was passed to move the port to New Jersey, create a downtown World Trade Center and establish a World Trade Center corporation headed by Winthrop Aldrich of Chase Manhattan Bank. Executive action, however, was stymied by Pearl Harbor and then World War II. National defense priorities precluded moving the nation's most vital port in wartime.
It was not until the 1950s that the political movement ripened. This time, Aldrich's nephew, Nelson Rockefeller, was governor. From Albany, he controlled appointments to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which had jurisdiction over port location. Under Nelson, the Port Authority would remove the port and build the towers, becoming the city's largest landlord. Nelson's brother, David, was chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank and chair of the Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association.
Together, the two Rockefeller brothers led the downtown urban renewal effort. Neither gave even a fleeting thought to relying on market forces or private capital to shape this second downtown. More relevant was the power of eminent domain that cleared the old Radio Row, the retail electrical district of 30,000 workers and small business people.
Beside more publicly financed office towers to irrigate parched downtown portfolios, what was the ultimate point? It was clearly expressed by the city's 1969 plan which expressed the higher real estate consciousness: "In the long run, New York does not want to retain the low skill, low wage segment of its industrial mix. The displacement of manufacturing activity in the Central Business District is the complement to the expansion of office construction which results in more intensive land use, higher investment and more jobs than the manufacturing activities they replaced."
1969 marked the city's all-time jobs peak: 3.9 million. Between 1960 and the present, the city would lose nearly three quarters of a million manufacturing jobs. It would never gain enough relatively higher-end jobs to prevent New York City from leading in income inequality, urban poverty and the number of citizens without health insurance.
Meanwhile, public subsidies sustained private real estate enterprise downtown. Billions in subsidies for the PATH train that brought commuters; billion in subsidies for rich residents who lived in Battery Park City and consumed in Tribeca. Hundreds of millions to the New York Stock Exchange and the Comex which extorted tax benefits in exchange for not moving across the river to New Jersey. Of course the deficits exacted a cost: Despite the 1990s boom, the only U.S. cities now more indebted on a per capita basis than New York are Philadelphia, which just emerged from bankruptcy, and Detroit, where grass and tree grow on tops of tall buildings.
And yet, despite globalization, despite the growing debt and rising subsidies, as late as 1993, it still looked as if the renewal of downtown had failed. The Downtown Alliance, the successor to the Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association, seemed finally to recognize the futility of 40 years of state planning designed to return downtown to its pre World War I glory. The next new idea: a plan based on public subsidies to convert the office core to residential space.
But then came the great Wall Street technobubble. The old megalomania quickly returned. Far from being a second-rate artificial central business district, downtown touted itself as the nerve center of world capitalism. The capital of the global economy. Still, while Wall Street bonuses broke all records, employment in finance, insurance and real estate during the bubble years of the 1990s never even came close to reaching the peak of the Koch era boom in the 1980s.
The first years of the third millennium are turning into a decade of lost illusion. The image of American invulnerability, the End of History, the New Economy and of Wall Street as the cornucopia of wealth and security for all have been shattered.
Another illusion that we could well shed is the notion of Gotham as a natural adaptation to the global ecology. If we decide to rebuild New York's economic foundations directly on the faulty fault line created by financial speculation, at least let us not pretend that history tells us we have no alternative.
Robert Fitch is a journalist and the author of The Assassination of New York
Read Rosemary Scanlon's article - The Symbol and Reality of Finance