New York City is in the midst of a construction boom, say city officials and representatives from the building industry. The city is issuing residential building permits at near record numbers and a recent wave of mega projects, such as Atlantic Yards (see related story), approved by city, state and federal agencies marks the city's most ambitious economic development agenda in decades.
• The major construction sites around New York City. • The continuing fight over Atlantic Yards • The city's efforts to reverse the increase in deaths at building sites |
It is a fever that has gripped the city -- reflected, perhaps in the sudden proliferation of master builder Robert Moses revisionism that seeks to rehabilitate one of many New Yorkers' favorite villains.
The demand for construction is so high that businesses are worried about finding enough people to do the work -- without sacrificing worker safety (see related story on construction deaths). "I think you probably would have to go back to the late 1930s to see anything like that," said Daniel L. Doctoroff, the deputy mayor for economic development.
But that is not the reason why so much of New York City seems in the midst of...becoming. Construction can take a very long time.
Here are some of the major construction sites around New York City.
--For a discussion of the continuing fight over Atlantic Yards, including a movie on the project, go here.
--For a discussion of the city's efforts to reverse the increase in deaths at building sites, go to In Danger: Men At Work.