Five-term Assemblyman William Colton, running on the Democratic and Working Families Party lines, will face Republican/Conservative challenger Russell Gallo.
Colton, a teacher and lifelong resident of the district, was first elected in 1996. He is the chair of the Legislative Commission on Solid Waste Management and is vice chair of the Majority Conference. He is a lifelong resident of the district.
Gallo was a candidate for City Council in 2005, unsuccessfully challenging Domenic Recchia. At the time, he had served in the Army for more than nine years, including during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was scheduled to receive a degree from John Jay College of Criminal Justice during his City Council race.
In the weeks leading up to the 32 Day Pre-General filing report, Colton raised $23,251 and at the end of September, had $33,653 on hand. There was no itemized disclosure information for Gallo.
The 47th district includes Bensonhurst, Gravesend, Bath Beach, Dyker Heights and Midwood.