Online there are a number of sites with information about other projects and organizations devoted to remember 9/11, from memorial quilts to comic books. Find out more about these tributes below.
Memorials Around The World
This online montage of photos shows the impromptu memorials created in countries all over the world after September 11.
Here Is New York
An online collection featuring donated photographs from a Soho gallery
NYC Diary
Metropolis Magazine chronicles impromptu memorials around New York City in this photoessay
The Memorial Quilt
An idea for a giant quilt made of photo image quilt blocks for each and every life lost on September 11th at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and on Flight 93.
September's Mission: Remembering The Children
A short slideshow of drawings and poetry reacting to September 11
Heroes by Marvel Comics
A comic book commemorating the heroes and the victims of September 11
Another comic book reflection on September 11, featuring artists and writers from DC Comics, Chaos! Comics, Dark Horse Comics, and Image Comics. Includes a gallery and an e-comic
The Sonic Memorial Project
This public radio project collected sounds that "capture the life and history" of the World Trade Center.